The person turned around at Danilos voice. Dan grin grew. ''Didnt see you in ages, Pauls whats were you up to. '' He asked to the black haired man, they exchanged a hug and the man ruffled Dans red locks before he continued down the busy street. ''Ah the usual, you know. I transferred here wanted to try this America out.'' ''Vlad, wouldnt have guessed you would ever move out Siberia, you loved it there. '' Vlad laughed and shock his head. They chit chat grow into reminiscing of the old times, Pauls being a elf native to the tribe living in the plains of russia. He meet Dan when the dragon first started to explore the world not even 40 years old was Danilo back then, well compared to his friend he was still a baby. Danilo walked with Vlad, and didnt even took in his surroundings properly. Slowly they were getting in the most busiest of streets, and not long after even stepping down the stairs in the underground of the metro. Vlad was having a destination in mind, not knowing how important today day was his young dragon friend. Even more how important was it not to be in crowds of people. It was brief, a hot sting on his wrist and it was gone. Danilo stopped dead in his trucks making Vlad turn around to see the dragon looking around as if he lost something extremely important. Dan couldnt belived he meet his soulmate, and they touched, someone brushed agaisnt him but the crowd had too many people and all of them moved fast, he ignored the occasional glare for just standing there. He missed his soulmate. More like they just passed by each other. It was a catastrophe. -a Hour later- ''I am so sorry, Danilo. '' Vlad rubbed Dans back, the dragon was having a quite irritated face on, it didnt suit him at all. ''Dont feel bad'' ''I pass by my soulmate, look the name how shall I ever find them!'' It was a possessive growl before Dan dropped his face into his hands. '' Well if you let me speak, you would know. '' That got the red head to peek out his fingers, the orange eye fixed at the elf. ''Soulmates are destined to keep crossing their parts in life. You will see them again, its fate. Maybe you two have to work harder at meeting each other. '' Those words did help, it gave him hope... But he was exhausted. He said his Goodbye to Vlad and made his way back home. He was high on his own emotions and now that the moment of his life passed in great disappointment, what should he tell his sisters and brothers. They will never let it down, like they needed more ammo against him... Once home he opened the special cupboard and drunk himself to bed. He will go see his friend tomorrow. Staying around him, would help him. -Early next morning- With a new morning Danilo had new hope, they were out there and Vlad was right, he just have to keep eyes open and maybe they will run into each other again. It may have been to early but Danilo dressed himself again up, well not as much as yesterday. But the black coat and west, with the white under shirt with shelves that went over his hands left him look over dressed for most of the places in this city. Hat on the head can in one hand and the telephone in the other he left his flat texting Tholo. [i]You home? Would you mind me come over? [/i] Thinking for a few more moments he send a follow up messege. [i]Sorry if I woke you up. I didnt woke you up or? Well sorry anyway. I am on the way over, now. I can make breakfast for you if I woke you up. [/i] The messege looked weird after Dan reread it, but he shrugged it off, it would be fine he told himself and while being on the way Danilo brought several items to make a great feast as a apology. It was shirt before seven when Danilo knocked on Tholo door with lot more vigor than it should be appropriate that early.