[hider=Tolos Info] [center][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/2d70/f/2013/063/f/2/ruined_osgiliath_by_daroz-d5wxx1u.jpg[/img][/center] [i]"The ancient city of Tolos sits on the northern bank of the Widow's Tears, itself the northern fork of the delta of the great Etrusceia river. Through it runs the lesser Magennon river, which, being too shallow for most heavy ships, is mainly used for drinking water. There are three main roads through the city (west, east, and north), along which are the only densely inhabited parts of the city, barring the coast." "Founded over a thousand years ago, the city's influence grew rapidly. War with the sprawling elven Kedenneid kingdom was inevitable, however, and after a long, grueling conflict, the Tolosi proved victorious. Despite this, the Tolosi Emperors proved both wise and merciful, not only sparing the elves, but assimilating them into the Empire as administrators, priests, and generals. A duality of power emerged, where the high nobility and the Emperor himself were human, and the elves served them and the Empire as nobles. This system of tolerance remains in place to this day." "Eventually, however, the city began to decline, even before the Empire began showing signs of weakness. Cadius's Plague of 3387 is said to have killed a third of the city's population, and the civil war between 3391 and 3398 saw the great city be sacked no less than four times as it changed hands. When the Great Foe, Oromis, took the city by the sword in 3401, the city was essentially empty." "Under the rule of the Etruscans, the city has recovered somewhat, though not much. Visitors tell of a city of ruins, and a sharp contrast between the opulence of the nobility, residing in the heart of the city, and the destitution of the common people, who scrounge a living however they can, wherever they can."[/i] [i]"A friend of mine visited the city no more than two years past. Here is a map of the city he has made, as it was when he was there:"[/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ivsVW5U.png[/img][/center] [i]Grey:[/i] Areas of the city lost to ruin. Though one can still find inhabitants here and there, most find these areas too inhospitable to live there. [i]Dark Grey:[/i] The remnants of the once-great Imertian Walls, which now in some places stand no taller than a man. [i]Red:[/i] The populated parts of the city. [i]Cyan:[/i] The docks, through which the city gets what little trade it does. Walled off from the rest of the city, this area is a sad sight indeed, filled with ramshackle shacks, inhabited by scum and criminals. [i]Yellow: The so-called Holy Quarter, a walled and fortified section of the city home to the Prophet, and the mansions, temples, and crypts which he owns.[/i] [right][i]-Antus Corbanico, Imperial Scribe-[/i][/right] [/hider]