Brielle took the satchel gratefully putting in her bag with great care. "Thank you!" She was impressed that he had already gathered so many items for their quest. She glanced towards the path she had come from but the player that tried to take her money didn't seem to be following her. Her shoulders relaxed a bit and she became distracted by West's actions. She noticed he was staring quite intently at the group of people near the board. Or was he staring at the papers on the board? He was so focused on watching them that she was a bit stared when he suddenly got up and rushed to the board. He was back in an instant with a satisfied smile and a handful of papers. When he explained what they were she smiled impressed, "Wow! Good work! This will keep us busy for awhile." She briefly scanned over the papers seeing that they were for the dungeon they intended to enter today. Her heart jumped at the thought of the dungeon. She knew that they could succeed if they planned their moves and worked together. However the thought of entering a territory where the objective was to kill you in a game with no respawns still made her nervous. When he said they should get going she nodded in agreement. "Right! Let's do this!" She said with a grin following West out of the town. They had just exited the city walls and entered the forest on the pathway when a voice called out behind them. "Hey bitch! I've got a bond to pick with you!" Brielle rolled her eyes and turned to see the punk that had tried to take her coins. Only this time he had two friends with him: one wielding a mace and one wielding a battered axe. She stepped forward shifting her staff to a two handed grip, purposefully placing herself between West and the three players. "What's wrong? Your foot a little tender?" She asked the ringleader. "Look I don't want any trouble so why don't you and your friends just leave and we'll be on our way." The thug sneered and took a step closer to her, "See I asked you nicely the first time and you disrespect me. So now I'm just gonna take what I want since asking didn't workout the first time," he drew from his sheath a sharp dagger. "And you," he gestured with his dagger over Brielle's shoulder at Lutwin, "I'd start walking if I were you. This is between me and the lady." "and your two henchmen," She couldn't help but smirk. These guys were thugs all brawn and no brain but still she didn't wanna put Lutwin in any danger.