[center][img]http://i61.tinypic.com/xcoy0k.jpg[/img] [h3][color=708090]Koizumi Cheng[/color][/h3] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/center] [color=f49ac2]"Can you fly us the rest of the way? We don't have much time left".[/color] [color=708090]"I'll give it a shot," Cheng replied. "It should be easier to find our boat in the air."[/color] The Orion huffed, arms pointed towards the ground, and he and Hanare began to rise atop a quickly-expanding force field. By manipulating the field, Cheng could give them a kind of pseudo-levitation, and pull the two of them towards the boats on what was, in theory, a massive, invisible snake. When the field took shape and the Squids were suitably high off the ground from the danger of the I-men, Cheng redirected his energy, propelling the field forwards. The pair veered through the trees of the forest, evading the throngs of I-men that leaped in vain to catch them. Cheng cast a glance over his shoulder and Toby vanished behind the branches of trees, still shrugging off a swarm of automatons. [center]------------------------[/center] When the Squids arrived at the docks, Cheng gave Hanare an unsettled look. There were only three boats to be found, and the house elves of both the Squid and Horse houses were standing beside each other in front of the rightmost ship. [color=708090]"You're kidding,"[/color] Cheng sighed. [color=708090]"They're making us share a vessel with the Horses?"[/color] He brought the force field to a halt in front of the house elves, nearly cutting into the lines of students that still had their pens. Cheng dissipated the field and the pair dropped a few feet to the ground, steadying Hanare as she landed. A few Horses nearby gave them dirty looks, but they were returned in kind as the Squids filed into place.