Sorry it took so long to finish, I had to do RL stuff :/ Anyway, here's my Gnome Barbarian [hr] Name: Yowl of Pouncing Wildcat Race: Gnome Sex: Male Age: 212 Class/Job: Barbarian/Builder [hider=Description:] The man you see before you is towering, for a gnome, anyway, as he stands at almost 4 feet tall. He sports wildfire hair and a beard that frames his face and both almost seem to dance with flame when the wind blows through them, looking even farther down you notice his eyes, their mismatched appearance puts you a little bit off, as one is the round, curious and fun-loving sparkle of gently churning mud and the other is a pure, almost pupil-less translucent white. Yowl is hardier than most gnomes, hell Yowl is hardier than most Orcs, and he looks it, built as he is of solid bronze-colored muscle, and scars as well as tattoos play around his chest, back and arms, each with a story attached to it that he'll surely tell you if you buy him a tankard or cask of decent Ale.[/hider] [hider=Biography:] Passion is a word that is used in Common to define that which drives people to do the extraordinary, to allow one to woo their lover by showering them with love, to allow a paladin the conviction that drives him, and ultimately it is what allows all creature to enact change. To most this is the end of the definition of passion. But to others, like Yowl, it is only the beginning, their rage can sunder mountains, raze entire civilizations and make the earth itself quake in terror. Yowl was born in a time long ago to seemingly no one, no father and a mother who died giving birth to him will do that. His tribe, which consisted mostly of druids, named him based on his seemingly superhuman ability to loudly cry during infancy. Years passed, Yowl eventually became of age and due to an unfortunate accident that Yowl dislikes speaking of, found himself banished from his tribe. But Yowl put on a brave face, he had always wanted to adventure anyway, and had found many of the tribe's ideas rather stifling. For decades he wandered, selling his services where they were needed and always seeking adventure where it could be found. Several years ago he served under the current Jarl during Erich's crusade against the goblins and came to admire and respect the man, a very rare thing indeed. Since then Yowl has found some semblance of serenity working as a Builder in Reisui, turning his once bloodstained hammer to more constructive work, but just as the night will not stay silent forever, neither will the fire for adventure that burns within him, and soon the world will once again hear a war cry unlike any other, the Yowl of Pouncing Wildcat.[/hider] [hider=Possessions:] A double-headed Warhammer that mostly sees use as a building hammer nowadays, Some armor made from the pelt of a hyena that will perhaps see some use in the near future, builders tools, and a rarely empty tankard.[/hider] [hider=Demeanor:] He is warm and friendly if a little mischevious around people he likes, but while not emotionally volatile, he has a powerful rage within him that can consume this warmth and leave nothing but ash behind.[/hider]