Vlor looked to Naia, a woman obviously unhappy. He could only guess that it was his ascension to leadership for this short time that brought this around. Vlor never understood the power hungry for life was too short for war, corruption, and hate. He understood that she was maybe one of the most respected Dwellers amongst the camps, but that didn't scare him. Vlor knew how to hunt. Was was his essence. "Yes," Vlor replied back with a nod. He didn't want to antagonize her, for they both had to work together. It felt odd that he had to play nice for a change. Other beings made hunting a course sometimes. "We will be of need of one of those strange vessels that slide on the sand easily. What are they called? Boats? Maybe, but either way we'll need one. By foot we would be tired and worn by the sands and our hunt would only last for so long." Vlor searched around by sight, pinpointing the one known as Judas' tent a little bit away. If he didn't have "boats", then he'd probably know where to get one. As Quartermaster of the Dwellers, Judas must either keep one of these transports in stock or know of someone willing to loan one. It would be a simple task so that the party could move towards the city. Vlor was already prepared with his blunderbuss strapped to his back and his war-axe clipped against his waist. Orcs always kept their weapons with them, for danger was a constant in their world.