Mashuka all but fell back when Donna shattered the door and kept going, but sure enough luck had been on his side, and she swung nothing but air. The few moments that had bought him had been enough, thank God, as the girl was suddenly distracted by something...someone...somewhere. He wasn't sure, and he didn't particularly care, he'd wager that quite literally anyone would be able to handle Jaws better than he could, especially if they were upper classmen. [color=00aeef]"Uh...okay,"[/color] he mumbled, offering a nervous wave as she left. [color=00aeef]"Have fun, I guess?"[/color] When he got to his feet he saw that much of the hallway she'd rampaged through was in a poor state. The room beside him had no door, and he figured it was only fair that he get stuck with it rather than someone else with no idea what happened. Oh well, at least he didn't have much in the way of luggage to move in, the room seemed to hold pretty much everything he'd need. Bed, closet, sink, more than he'd had before, so he wasn't about to complain about having only splinters at the entrance.