Chance heard the news announcement, too. But he quickly tuned it out when he realized it was just a bunch of sciencey gobbledegook he wouldn't understand. He had more important things to think about at the moment. The Smog attack blew right in the Substitute's face. However, it didn't cough or gasp like a normal creature would after inhaling poison. Instead, a thin crack formed across the illusory Munchlax's cheek, like one you might see on a porcelain doll. "Metronome again," Chance declared, a hint of a cocky smile returning to his face. Substitute would certainly draw this battle out longer, and long battles meant greater odds of victory for Metronome junkies. Lucy tried to lift her finger in her semi-existent state. Instead, she found that she was frozen in place, but the Substitute began lifting its finger instead. The Substitute let out a delirious laugh as Lucy made it stagger around in a dizzy dance, the confused Munchlax finding this whole puppet-master situation very amusing. But the fun only lasted a couple seconds. Then, it was game time. The illusory Munchlax waggled its finger until it glowed. Then, nothing appeared to happen, other than a brief heavenly glow appearing to descend upon the fake Munchlax. But Lucy felt a pleasant warm sensation as the sunlight soothed her mostly self-inflicted wounds. The Substitute glanced up at the sky and smiled. Thank you, oh universal chocolates, for a well-timed Morning Sun!