Matt smiles as the Sergal make their threat, not at all deterred. "Very well, it seems like diplomacy has failed. Allow me to then alter my offer slightly. You will allow me to leave this ship, or I annihilate every single member of the Sergal species in existence." He steps forward, completely ignoring the Sergal weaponry that would be raised to meet his advance. "A specialized Deadman of my own design has been installed into my brain. Now that I have initialized it, only my conscious thought prevents it from activating. Should I be knocked out, killed, or placed into Stasis, your empire and species will suffer a swift end. I would inform you as to it's mechanisations, but I'm afraid you wouldn't know what I was talking about." He looks over to Nathan. "Nathan, you talked to your dad, right? Tell the furries what would happen if I allowed the Plot Hole to completely let loose. Because last I clocked it, it took the Plot Hole less than a minute to destroy an entire universe, and less than 5 seconds to destroy a galaxy."