He looked up to see two individuals with their instruments. One male holding a guitar who seemed to be in sync with a women who held bells. The one with bells seemed to drawn a breeze to her. [i]"So they are the new recruits."[/i] He grabbed his amp and guitar and made his way over in a causal stride. As he closed the distance he began to play his guitar with the other, syncing on a different octive, tapping his foot to the rhythm. Now here we go for the hundredth time hand grenades pins in every line throw them up and let something shine Going out of my fucking mind filthy mouth, no excuse find a new place to hang this noose He stood there, playing with the new recruits for some time. It was nice to see some of the other "blessed" ones. It was a rare experience for those in the military to see a group of them together, let alone by themselves. Well, in his case anyway. He was like a ghost when it came to off duty. He preferred to be by himself most of the time unless it was to either help with inspection or introduce new recruits to their quarters. After a period of time, he stopped playing and held out his hand. His smooth and gritty voice welcomed the two with open arms. "It was a pleasure to play with you two. You must be the new recruits I heard about. My name is Corporal Zahir Tankian." I bright smile crossed his face, his eyes showed warmth but with a hint of ice behind it.