[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dWEQvui.png[/img] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Lissa Diep[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]26[/indent] [b]Weapon:[/b] [indent]Kukri Machete and a Glock 19 pistol that is low on ammo.[/indent] [b]Nationality:[/b] [indent]Vietnamese-American[/indent] [b]Relationships:[/b] [indent]Being a widow, she is currently single.[/indent] [b]Family:[/b] [indent]Mitchell Shen (Husband, Deceased, Aged 32), Michael Shen-Diep (Son, Unborn).[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]She will always be there for you, whether you need a shoulder to cry on, a sympathetic ear, or a therapy session. Just give her a call, she will answer unless she is busy. Family comes first for her, above everything else. Now that she is a mother-to-be, Lissa will put her baby before anyone else, especially since she is a widow. Lissa is an emotional person, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is light-hearted. However, it does only take one rude comment to make her cry and it already doesn't help that she cries very easily. Over the past year or so, she has been suffering from mild depression due to her husband's passing.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] [indent]Lissa was born into a family of Asian-American immigrants as the only daughter to a hairdresser and a civil engineer, both of them being refugees from the Vietnam War. While her father was fairly laid-back, her mother was strict but grew lenient as she got older. She had a lot of trouble making friends growing up, so for most of elementary school and all the way through middle school, Lissa was the type of girl who would keep to herself unless she had to partner up with another student, for whatever the reason may be, but it gave her an excuse to focus on her academics. In middle school, she was exposed to the world of dating, but wasn't exactly allowed to date until sophomore year. However, she never really had a reason to rebel against it because she was just that nerdy-looking Asian girl with braces. At the beginning of high school, where her grades really mattered, Lissa was more into her academics then ever. Her mother loosened up because she didn't want Lissa to become a workaholic and shifted to encouraging her to being more social. To appease her mother, Lissa decided to join the Girls' Tennis Team. She was a natural at the sport and made team captain by junior year. Around then, her mother and father would completely loosen up and allow their daughter to start dating. She would then meet her high school sweetheart, Mitchell Shen, a star player on the basketball team. The two had excellent chemistry and their relationship caught all their classmates by surprise. Their relationship would last through college, where Mitchell got a Basketball Scholarship and Lissa received numerous scholarships for her academic achievements, which made her happy. Lissa herself would do a double major for Nursing and Medicine, wanting to become a doctor or medical technician even but could settle on becoming a nurse. At the age of twenty-two, she landed her job as a clinic nurse at the local hospital. She and Mitchell would get married shortly after both of them secured their careers. Both Mitchell and Lissa dreamed of starting a family but were too focused on their careers for the first two years of their marriage. As a nurse, she had to work long hours and was often exhausted, she only got a few hours of sleep every night. It was a killer, so she eventually decided to quit and instead went back to school study Sports Medicine so that she could be a School Nurse. This was a bit better, as she got more sleep and was more or so able to prepare to start a family.[/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]* Lissa is 5'4" tall maybe a little taller with heels. She initially weighed exactly one-hundred pounds, but after she became pregnant, she gained an additional thirty pounds due to pregnancy weight gain. She once had a slender build, but was also lean and athletic. Her skin is noted for being very soft, but can be rough if she does not take care of it. Temporarily, she will have the "pregnancy glow" due to carrying life. Because of the growing baby, her stomach has expanded considerably. As of current, she is estimated to be at least 34 weeks along in her pregnancy. At this stage in her pregnancy, she has trouble walking, let alone she can't run. * She is a nurse, so medical aid is her strong suit, as long as she has access to the materials required. * She is also strong-suited for a moral compass for her friends and people close to her, sometimes strangers unless they are very dense. * Hormonal due to pregnancy, watch for the mood swings. * She has some keepsakes such as a wedding photo and a Diep family photo.[/indent] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LRvXJrj.png[/img] [/center]