[@TalijaKey] Moments before... As the mutual signing of acquaintance through the shaking of the ear n' claw, Fluke tried to bring along Humhum underground, I mean, that was the best possible way of transportation besides flying to go. With the screeching noise that sounded, it was almost like an alarm that allowed Baxter to appear in Fluke's place. The long arm that reached for fluke disappeared, the hole that Fluke burrowed was quiet as when Humhum explained his reasons for not staying underground, the only response that could be heard was: [color=9e0b0f]Brrrrakakakakakaaaaah!!!![/color] in understanding With humhum leading the way Baxter burrowed to where the signups would be while the burrowing Baxter was doing was destroying the floor, passing others in the halls that were possibly contemplating Presidency. the burrowing stopped right there at the signup sheet as Baxter burst out with his tongue dragging on the floor and pacing about, wondering who he'd either eat or kiss first. So many students, so many possible outcomes for Baxter to experience. Baxter was spreading drool on the floor while looking over at Humhum, staring at him as if he recognize him before continuing his poking about. With his growling, heavy breathing, drooling, crazy eye staring, and lifting skirts, Humhum was going to need to get his attention before he stirred up too much trouble which obviously was not too far away.