Diana woke up to very dim, blurry light and faint voices from behind walls. Wait... voices? That wasn't right. She sat straight up and bit her lip, a little nervous but also excited; it had been a while since she'd had any human company. But the house had been empty when she'd gotten here, and she didn't like to entertain the thought that whoever was talking [i]knew[/i] of Diana's presence here. She pushed a tangled clump of hair out of her face and looked down at the newspaper she'd put over her head while she slept in this warm cozy bed that didn't belong to her. She glanced miserably over the paper. One of its articles was authored by her; it was the last one ever issued. She really should have thrown it out at this point, but for some reason it felt... important. Like it was a burden that she was somehow meant to carry. The headline still made Diana shudder as hard as it had when she'd typed the thing up: [i]Infected Individuals Close to Outnumbering Healthy Population.[/i] Her mind zoomed back to whoever was talking. They weren't very chatty, luckily, but now that she knew they were there she didn't want to ignore them. A faint warning issued in her head: [i]They could be dangerous.[/i] She paid it almost no mind and made her way down the stairs, pushing more stray hair out of her eyes and munching halfheartedly on a piece of dense, gritty bread that she had been forced to bake herself. It wouldn't be the best first impression, but a full arsenal of makeup wasn't exactly her top priority so hopefully her just-woke-up face would be forgiven... or ignored. There were two young men in the living room, one of whom was sitting on a couch. She stayed quiet for several moments... trying to plan her greeting. No doubt it would be something femme fatale like, "May I help you?" or "Boys, I'm afraid this house is occupied. Shame." Instead, her mouth betrayed her. Lack of human interaction, she supposed, had done a toll on her ability to talk coherently. "Um...hi?" As soon as she said it, she knew it was that she'd just woken up. [i]Should have waited a few minutes.[/i]