[b]The Boxing Ring[/b] The crowd was silent, watching the interaction between the luchador and the cheerleader with interest. A pin drop could be heard! All breath was held! Some poor kid in the stands was going blue, and it was not the guy who had the power to turn into a blueberry muffin! "[color=ffdd00]Then it is, A DATE![/color]" roared El Ruidoso de Marad, Mighty Lucha Wrestler, with his [b]FIERY PASSION![/b] The crowd immediately burst into cheers and applause! Camera flashes went off, women threw their underwear, and all around them was the chant of 'Lu! Cha! Lu! Cha! Lu! Cha!' Truly the audience appreciated the dramatic showmanship of El Ruidoso! The chants continued as El Ruidoso through his arms wide, rose in his hand, basking in the glory and attention and showing of his magnificent oiled six pack! Then a thrown bra hit him in the face. THAT DID NOT DETER HIM! With grace, he removed the bra from his face and turned in the direction it came from. With a dramatic bow and a blown kiss, he acknowledged the bra before placing it neatly on the edge of the ring. One must treat the undergarmets of females with respect! But a man had addressed him, and El Ruidoso was not the type of man to leave a comrade in the lurch! "[color=ffdd00]Greetings SeƱor! It is truly an honour for I, El Ruidoso de Marad, to meet a man who defeated such a terrifying enemy so![/color]" boomed El Ruidoso, paying no attention to any damage his loud voice might cause to the man's eardrums! He bowed deeply, one hand to chest and the other out behind him, the true form of respect for a martial combatant such as himself! The crowd cheered further, witnessing the beginning of the apocalypse to come. Finally, he re-adopted the kneeling pose to face Misaki and handed her the rose. "[color=ffdd00]My fairest lady, I am at your service! The strength of El Ruidoso de Marad is yours to command! My true power and [b]FIERY PASSION[/b] will be invested into your cause! A noble cause...[/color]" and on that ominous note he stood again to behold the crowd once more... "[color=ffdd00]AND IT'S NAME IS BOXERMANIA![/color]" The crowd achieved the impossible! They cheered as loud as El Ruidoso de Marad himself! This brought a tear to the lucha's eye! He felt true pride in his companeros here this fine day! They had honoured him with their presence and he shall honour them in kind! For it was his [b]FIERY PASSION[/b] that would bring Boxermania to new heights! For the love of a lady and the fight of a lifetime, El Ruidoso de Marad knew no greater honour!