[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/wQdI9dH.jpg[/img] [h1][b]Clay Finnegan[/b][/h1] [h3]What's your name?[/h3] [i]Clay. If it's like, y'know, a formal-type name, like for a form or some shit, then Clay Finnegan. Middle initial J. Most people call me Clay, 'cept for Mrs. Silver, she calls me C.J. I think it's retarded. Who the fuck wants to be called letters, y'know? What son-of-a-bitch sits down like 'Hey, I'm gonna name my kid A.J, or O.K, or T.Q' or some dumb hippie shit? Anyway, off-topic. Name's Clay.[/i] [h3]How old are you?[/h3] [i]I have to answer this? I'm, uh, nineteen, actually. But before you say some shit like 'Ohh, nineteen-year old in high school, must be one dumb motherfucker', just, like, quiet for a second, okay? I get that I'm dumb, but I don't like hearin' 'bout it. I got held back twice. First time was 'cause I didn't go to school, second time was for fighting. Anyway, off-topic too. Nineteen. Sorry.[/i] [h3]What do you look like?[/h3] [i]Other than what you see? Iunno. I'm not good at descriptive-ity. People say I look kinda dirty. Not in the sex way. The bath way. I look like a guy with scars on his hands and brown eyes like mud. I keep my hair short so ain't nobody can grab it. I'm not that tall, I'm I think, 5'7, but I'm the scrappiest guy I know. Ain't never lost a fight. I dress in whatever's cheap, which is usually just jeans and button-ups and sweaters and wifebeaters and shit like that. I own a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers, but I only wear boots if it's snowing. Too many guys around my school think they become some kinda badass if they wear boots all the time, or keep the sticker on their caps and shit, and I think they all look like cocksuckers. Off-topic too, my bad. Anyway, long-story short, I look like me.[/i] [h3]Do you have any hobbies?[/h3] [i]Like, impressive ones? Sometimes I write songs about stuff, except, in my head. But they're more like, poems and shit, y'know? I remember them though. I have good memory. I like movies too, especially Lord of The Rings and Marvel and shit. Fantasy stuff. Do those count as hobbies too? Yeah? Fuckin' A. Also, I probably shouldn't mention it, but I like to box. Like, you could say 'Clay likes fighting', but except without like, choking or kicking or other shit. I like it 'cuz it's like a sport, y'know? I mean, it is a sport, but, it's also like, like it has points and strategies and shit. Like chess. [/i] [h3]What are some things that you especially dislike?[/h3] [i]Teachers. Classmates. School and teachers and classmates and shit, mostly. Everybody treats me like some retard, they talk slow to me like I don't speak English. I don't understand most of what they teach either, so I mostly cheat or guess or make up excuses. I don't like school, and I been thinking of dropping out and working. I ain't have no skills, but, y'know, I still got two legs. I could shovel shit for all I care instead of dealing with everybody at school. I don't like school, not a bit. [/i] [h3]What are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term.[/h3] [i]None. Does that sound sad? I dunno. I just don't have many options. I can't stand school. I'm too dumb for scholarships, I'm too fuckin' poor to buy my ticket into college. I was born in a trailer, and I'mma probably die in one too. I guess the only goal I got is just, not being where I am now. That make sense? I wanna be a guy who's got like, a girl, and a dog, and a house. Maybe a kid. Dunno yet. Kids are sticky. You ever go to someone's house and they got kids? Everything is fucking sticky.[/i] [h3]What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents?[/h3] [i]Eh? It's actually pretty alright. I never knew my dad, Dennis, because he got locked up before I was borned, and whenever he gets out he usually goes right back in. He sends a little bit of cash every now and then, so that's alright of him I guess. My mom's pretty nice. She's a battle-axe, but she's alright. She's the toughest bitch in the park. One time, we had this neighbor for a while who got all hopped up on angel dust, and he tried breaking in. I was too little to do nothin', but she answered the door and smashed a bottle across his jaw. She's tough, man. Tougher than me. She says nice stuff sometimes, and that makes my days better.[/i] [h3]What's your favorite animal, and why?[/h3] [i]Naked mole rats are some badass things, man. Think about it. Naked mole rats barely feel pain, can't get cancer, and act like bugs with a queen and soldiers and shit. They even fight snakes. They can bite through dirt and rocks and whatever too. Basically, they're, like, little shriveled up superhumans. Imagine what a 6-foot long naked mole rat would look like? I'd ride it to battle and shit. Man. Naked mole rats are the fuckin' bomb. I bet if we made, like, an alligator-sized naked mole rat, it'd be like, the dominant species and shit. Like Planet of The Apes, but, with naked mole rats. Planet of The Naked Mole Rats.[/i] [h3]Favorite color?[/h3] [i]Real talk, yellow. Think about it. Star Trek, boom. Command yellow. Y'know who wore yellow? The best characters, that's who. Kirk. Data. Worf. All yellowshirts. Outside of Star Trek, all the best things are yellow. Baratheon? Yellow. The sun? Yellow. Butter? Yellow. Gold? Yellow. Flowers can be yellow too. It's a happy color, too. Ain't nobody gonna wear a yellow shirt and tell you some sad fuckin' shit. When I have bad days I sometimes like to draw, like, happy stuff. Don't tell nobody that. I'll smack the soul right out of you, I swear to fucking Christ. Anyway, yeah. Sometimes I like to draw happy stuff like sunrises or birds, and that makes me feel better.[/i] [h3]Do you identify with any song or piece of music?[/h3] [i]You like Eminem? I do. Eminem's my shit, man. He has this song on his new album I like, and it samples "Time of The Season". I forget the name, but he talks about his dad a lot. Good song.[/i] [h3]Do you believe in aliens?[/h3] [i]Yes. Next question. Oh, we done? That's cool too.[/i] [hr] [h1][b]Clay's Relationships[/b][/h1] [color=yellow][b]Keira[/b][/color] Keira's alright. My mom knew her mom when they were young, so then they wanted us to be friends 'cause they had us 'round the same time. We grew up knowin' each other, but I wouldn't call us, like, friends or nothin'. Sometimes I don't get what she's sayin'. She's too fuckin' smart. Like, Deep Blue smart. Like, her dad is a TI-82 Smart. Super fuckin' smart is what I'm sayin'. Anyway. She gives me rides from time to time when it's too snowy to walk back to the park, so I owe her favors. One time I fixed her kitchen cabinet's door, though, so I'm not a total moocher, y'know? So anyway, Keira. She's okay. [color=ed145b][b]Kimmy[/b][/color] My Kimmy? She's the greatest, top notch chick. Seriously, she's probably my only friend. Iunno what I'd do without her, but don't tell her that. Can I smoke here? No? Didn't think so, that's alright. She's great, man. She's got these two little brothers, they always draw me little pictures with me and them in 'em. They call me their big brother. Can you imagine that shit? Two beautiful little oriental rugrats lookin' atcha, tryin' to impress you with swear words and shit? Getting off track. Kim hates it when I teach 'em swears. I taught Ha-eun "Motherfucker" the other day, and she says "Materfaga". It's precious. Getting off track, sorry. So Kim is my best friend, we hang out all the time. We go everywhere together, her mom trusts me so much that sometimes she lets me crash on their couch. She's like one of the guys, 'cause she can curse and fix cars and shit. The only thing she don't do is smoke, she hates when I do that and she flicks the cherry onto my face. You see this scar under my eye? Her. Anyway. My Kimmy's the best, hands-down. Give her a high five. [color=mediumpurple][b]Zasha[/b][/color] Fuck that guy. Last year, I get in a fight with his friend Josh. Y'know what this motherfucker does? Gets in the way, tries to end it, and puts his hands on me. So I start swinging at him, and the deans seperated us, and they made us sign some shit and say we won't fight or grill each other or start no shit. I didn't even read it. We both got suspended for three weeks, but because i already missed two months, that meant I'd have to repeat the year. And here I am, a fuckin' junior again. Anyway, we're supposed to be nice and shit, especially because we're in the same grade now. I still remind him that Clay ain't no bitch from time to time. I like to get creative with him, though. One time, I got a wasp into his locker with some sugarwater and a straw. Other times I don't get creative, and I just dump his gym clothes in the hallway. Finnegans don't take shit, y'know? Trouble is, sometimes this punk likes it, chuckles and calls it clever and shit. I don't even think it's reverse-drive psychology neither, y'know? Whatever. He thinks we can just be buddies and does that fuckin' finger-gun thing. The fuckin' finger guns! Like he's some, some fuckin' "Sunday, Monday, Happy Days" guy! Who fuckin' does that shit? Fuck that dude, man. If he's listening tell him I said that. [color=red][b]Josh[/b][/color] Are they listenin' right now? Josh is that dude that started the whole thing. I was smoking by the track field, and he shoots me a look and says somethin', so I punched him. In retrospect, I've come to realize that this was my bad. Therapists and shit talkin' to me for a week of suspension. Anyway, his friend Zasha gets in between, and then the whole suspension year repeat bullshit happened. Fuck that guy too. I don't give as much of a shit about him, because he doesn't try that friendship horseshit. Sometimes I'll shoulder check him or just give him the look when he walks by, but I don't mind 'em that much ever since I spoke with Mrs. Llana about the anger thing I mentioned, how it was my bad. I just don't wanna look like some bitch who forgives people, y'know? [b][color=darkturquoise]Gili[/color][/b] Don't know, don't care. Went out with Kimmy in like, freshman year. Other than that, she's just kinda bitchy. [/center]