[@Kit DewStein] [@2b3heart] While Basco was kicking a pebble wondering what abilities he may have as a satyr, Lavender called over to him handling him what looks to be a pan flute made of ice. He looked at it rotating it sideways and flipping it the other way "Play this? I can't play these things. I don't know how...." he simply gave a sigh and put the pan flute to his lips. He looked at both Lavender and Nyra and then rolled his eyes not wanting to play an instrument. He began to play his first melody: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbL8gEcA43s[/url] after the first try, he decided to play again but took a deep breath and concentrated as he tried again. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOaoUx0Mc0Q[/url] after playing to two melodies, he shrugged and looked at the girls "Wait so I gained the ability to play a flute.....I guess...it's not so bad....but it's not like flying or creating ice. Well...I can entertain on our trip with some record hits. I am a DJ back at home. Guess I can sorta do the same here..." trying to look at the bright side of his ability. He smiled but he hoped he had more skills than that.