The bird's wings ended up being shot, though only feathers fell. Noel could see red splotches on the wings for a brief moment before they regrew. With a flap of its wings, the bird threw its feathers towards Noel like they were throwing knives. However, Morgan ran in and took out a green book. "[b][color=39b54a]ELWIND![/color][/b]" With that and the Vortex, the winds wound up throwing the bird off course. The sharpness of both winds wound up cutting into the bird, giving it the same red gashes. The feathers were blown apart, but now each person had to dodge a feather thrown at them. [b]The Tavern[/b] "Oooooh maaaan, yeah, I can hook you up, brother..." Charles got up to Edward. He pointed him into the direction of his shop, the Wagon Station. "Name a world approved by the Scheherazade Foundation, and this wagon can take you there!" He said. Suddenly, the bartender, who had been on the phone for a bit, hung up and banged his hand on the table to get people's attentions. "Everyone! I have bad news! Snow was killed in a Witch attack over the weekend. With no clear report on who claimed the bounty, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to take his wanted poster off the bulletins." With that, he went over and pulled away the wanted poster for an infamous president in a parallel world. At least one person groaned when this happened. "But! Good news! I've shifted the reward for 50,000 Muros over to a more infamous person. This will be already added to his 998,000 Muro bounty for a grand total of 1,048,000 Muros! Everyone, turn your weapons to the Masked Rider!" He stabbed another wanted poster with his knife. The 50,000 Muro reward from Snow's poster was placed over the Rider's 998,000 Muro bounty. The Rider on the poster had the large compound eyes and the antennae that Riders were known for, though they were four instead of the normal two, but he had the teeth on the mask were more akin to that of a skull's teeth. A group of people began to chatter. "[i]Hey, didn't he arrive at the bar yesterday and caused that fight?[/i]" A couple of them could be heard by August, Rachel, and the others. [b]Back at the brawl[/b] "They are the scourge of the Multiverse! The grim reminder of cruelty!" Thomas said to Allen as he fired his guns at Wendy, though she side stepped each bullet. "The small cat you see before you is an Incubator. A deceitful fairy who doesn't deserve to live!" He twirled around and fired at the feather heading to him and Morgan. "The woman assisting him is a Devil. One whose heart had fallen to the darkness, and over there, that bird, that's what's left of her heart. A corrupt monster known as an Archdemon. They must be eradicated for the good of the Multiverse!"