[@MetalLover] Resubmitting a new app based on my old one [hider=The Celtic League] [h1]The Celtic League[/h1] [hider=In the Official Languages] An Comann Ceilteach (Scottish Gaelic) An Conradh Ceilteach (Irish) Yn Commeeys Celtiagh (Manx) Yr Undeb Celtaidd (Welsh) An Kesunyans Keltek (Cornish) A Liga Celtica (Galician) La Lliga Céltiqua (Asturian) [/hider] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/d533/th/pre/i/2014/187/8/6/celtic_federation_by_achaley-d7phql7.png[/img] [hider=Regional Flags] Ireland [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Flag_of_Leinster.svg/2000px-Flag_of_Leinster.svg.png[/img] Scotland [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Lionrampant.svg/2000px-Lionrampant.svg.png[/img] Man [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5d/Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Mann.svg/2000px-Flag_of_the_Isle_of_Mann.svg.png[/img] Wales [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/59/Flag_of_Wales_2.svg/2000px-Flag_of_Wales_2.svg.png[/img] Cornwall [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/Flag_of_Cornwall.svg/2000px-Flag_of_Cornwall.svg.png[/img] Gallaecia [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Estandarte_Dinast%C3%ADa_Real_Sueva.svg[/img] [/hider] What Areas Do You Control: [hider=These] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qMCkyez.png[/img] (Pronvinces of Eire, Alba, Cymru, Ellan Vannin, and Kernow) [img]http://i.imgur.com/rdPT0Gx.png[/img] (Province of Gallaecia) [/hider] [i][b]Political Party:[/b][/i] Aontacht - a left center Unionist Party who spearheaded the union of Ireland and Scotland [i][b]Type of Government:[/b][/i] Federal Republic [i][b]Military:[/b][/i] Total Enlisted Forces: 1,152,818 Total Active Personnel: 371,000 Currently Large from the War, The Celtic League is working on reducing the size of the military and delegate them to peacekeeping and self defense purposes. [b]Army[/b]: The Celtic Army is by far one of the most advanced thanks to the technological prowess of the League. All active personnel in the army are equipped with "Belfast Model" exosuits, designed to act as both a kind of lightweight armor, being constructed from lightweight ceramics on the outside and with an interior made from kevlar. In addition, each suit is filled with high tech computers and medical supplies to treat solider on the battlefield with little need for manual first aid. The suit is able to administer antibiotics and analgesics when prompted by the internal implant connected to the soldier's nervous system. Other functions include portions of the suit compressing to stop bleeding a sort of interconnection between suits to provide easy communication among soldiers. Soldiers are armed with ballistic weapons such as automatic rifles and pistols, but artillery have access to a kind of prototype sonic cannon. The weapon is designed to debilitate enemies and sap their morale, the painful experience of being exposed to the weapon as enough to force a surrender being the goal. The weapons are currently nonlethal, and often found equipped onto tanks or carried by artillery soldiers. These weapons played a vital role in the conquest of Northern Ireland. [b]Navy[/b] The League has a proud history of Naval Power, and the modern age is no exception. Galway, Cork, Aberdeen and Oviedo are the major ports in the league. It currently has a fleet of 70 Ships. Comprised of 15 Figates, 10 Submarines, 9 destroyers, 10 Patrols, 3 Surveys, 3 Icebreakers. The ships' models were developed mostly in Scotland, and are powered mostly as Nuclear or Hydrogen/Anti-Hydrogen based vehicles. [b]Air Force[/b] The Air Force is a sadly neglected portion of the Celtic Military. It is in possetion of about 300 Aircraft, most of which are stationed in either Dublin, Oviedo or Glasgow. [i][b]Productions:[/b][/i] Since the union between Ireland and Scotland was cemented in the fires of WW3, the two nations have begun to produce far beyond what they were capable of before the war. In particular, the Celtic League has been paving the way in advanced robotics and software. The "Edinburgh Model" exosuit is by far the most famous of Celtic inventions, being the basis for most modern forms of military exosuits. More recently, the improved "Belfast Model" was created, using a built in neural interface computer to communicate with a medical implant to administer antibiotics and painkillers, along with basic first aid to those who are injured; either through thought or instinctive brain reactions to pain or disease. Through this also came the Celtic League's innovations in medicine. It is the #1 producer of neural interface prosthetics and implants such as the Belfast Implant, which are becoming more and more affordable thanks to Ireland's deposits of necessary materials and the many production centers in Scotland and Man. Ireland is currently a major producer and exporter of Base Metals, Natural Gas, and Hydrogen/Anti-Hydrogens, which has almost entirely replaced the need for Oil within Celtic Borders, in conjunction with Scotland's abundant Energy Sources including Gas, Oil, Wind and Tidal Power. The Celtic League is also in production of Hydrogen/Anti-Hydrogen fuel cells to be used in conjunction with their abundantly produced hydrogen fuels, and carrying out extensive research in the field of Antimatter Energy. [i][b]History of the Nation:[/b][/i] When WW3 broke out, it was only inevitable that Britain would become a target in the fight between world powers. In the chaos that became of World War 3, the Union collapsed under the vicious assaults, leaving Scotland and Northern Ireland as independent nations. England was in no position to be anything of use to Scotland after the severe blows it had taken in the war, leaving Scotland to propose a union with Ireland, who had by comparison suffered little. Ireland accepted the proposal, using leverage from Scotland in the war to begin the conquest of Northern Ireland. Irish Republic Forces invaded from the south while Scottish forces came from the North. The invasion was long and drawn out, with the Northern Irish holding on for a good 3 years of the assault from both sides. However, the war would come to an end when Scottish soldiers using ships mounted with sonic devices attacked Belfast, and finished off with a full out attack on the city. The North had no choice but to surrender, being incorporated into the territory of Ireland. When the war was beginning to come to an end, the Union was asked by the Isle of Man for admittance into their state. The request was granted. Once a peace was achieved, the Gaels looked not to war, but to economics. They sent offerings to Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria to join the league. Wales, Cornwall, Galicia and Asturias joined heartily, but the offer was turned down by Brittany and Cantabria as shown in popular elections. Once the modern nation was stabilized, the Celts began working off of the technological advancements made in the war by Scotland, plus the valuable natural resources of Ireland and Gallaecia. The League began carving a niche in medical robotics and Antimatter Production, banking on this to secure a favorable economic position, and boost their damaged economy that came from ww3. In many ways, it worked. The Union has a very strong economy, and technology is only increasing in the electronics and software fields, with medicine following in as well. The Celtic League is recognized for having one of the greatest qualities of life post war, but also for its extensive infrastructural damage, which has ironically only boosted their search for machines and people to maintain them as rebuilding commences. [i][b]Main Race:[/b][/i] Total Population: 19,213,649 Irish: 26% Scottish: 25% Welsh: 20% Gallaecian: 15% English: 5% Manx: 2% Other:7% [i][b]Main Religion:[/b][/i] The Celtic League is a Secular State, there is no offical religion. However, the vast majority of the country is very Christian. There is still the historic conflict between Catholics and Protestants; with a region sometimes said as siding with Eire or with Alba. Catholic: 44% Protestant: 45% Irreligious/Atheist: 8% Muslim: 2% Other: 1% [b][b]Other:[/b][/b] The Celtic languages are beginning to once again see use as widespread toungues. While the Celtic League officially has 7 offical languages, The Lingua Franca of the country is Irish, and is becoming more important on the international scale with the Celtic League's rise to power in place of the steadily plummeting England. English, while still very widely spoken, is seen as a tool of opression by the Celts, who refuse to use it in many cases now that their own languages are starting to make come backs. Irish is the "prestige" language of the country. Though officially equal to the other 6, on only has to look at the media and government of the League to see that Irish captivates the hearts and minds of the people. Welsh is a close second, being most popular in Wales, Cornwall and Gallaecia. However, Welsh is still far behind in the race for Lingua Franca with Irish, mostly due to the presitious view many Celts have for Ireland, being seen as the Model Celtic Nation. Most Politicians are of Irish or Scottish origin, and most Federal Positions have Irish names. Any Traveller or Buisnessman who wants to do business with The Celtic League would do well to learn Irish. [/hider]