[@KatherinWinter] A praise? Oliver was looking on and the way this girl moved, she definitely had some skill and for some reason, this girl was going to keep him on his toes. He watched as she was getting ready to leap and prepared to go on the offensive as soon as she leaps at him but.....but....what the hell? What did Oliver witness, as he played back in his mind briefly the girl leaping but not exactly towards him but over him as he followed her with his eyes as she landed behind him. Out of instinct and reflexes, Oliver quickly did a near dive to his left to roll over while winging his blade at Roxy's left leg while trying to keep his eyes on her movements. He was close to the ground balancing himself with his toes and right arm as if he was in a position to do one armed push-ups. This move allowed him evasion and attack at the same time but what the hell kind of animal did she have running in her veins?