[center][h1]When Machine and Man Combine....[/h1][/center] In the year 2024, the Prime Minister of Japan's son was involved in a fatal accident. His body mangled and his life fading, the Prime Minister turned to the best and brightest of Japan's scientists to save his son's life in anyway possible. The result was installing mechanical parts where tissue failed. In a 14 hour operation, the son of the Prime Minister became a scientific epiphany. A combination of man and machine, the first one of his kind. [center]He was christened Saibo or Cyborg.[/center] The Prime Minister was overjoyed at his son's miraculous recovery and wasn't at all phased by his new appearance. But something did phase him. His son was colder, more detached, less creative and more logical. In the following year, his son made a lot of changes to his lifestyle. He dropped out of art school and went to college to become an officer in the military. He gave up his pacifist beliefs and took up various martial arts. He was less of a young artist and more of a solider. The Prime Minister was outraged at this sudden discrepancy in his daily life and he confronted the scientists. They explained that the son's frontal lobe was damaged and the only way to save his memories was to repair it with metal. The result was that his son remembered who he was, but his son was a different person altogether. This son's name is Akio Abe, the first Saibo. In the following years Abe rose through the ranks of the Japanese military, becoming a high-ranking officer at the young age of 28. He began a project to save the lives of lost causes medical cases, requesting that they serve the Japanese government for a period of time, usually a minimum of 10 years. He began to create and train a team of Saibos to combat Japan's enemies under the radar. They would be called the Saibo Strike Force (SSF). These individuals would come from anywhere in japan and anyone that Commander Abe deemed fit would serve in the strike force. But how many will be saved by the metal? Only time will tell.... [center][h1]Metal is Might[/h1][/center] There are physical and sometimes mental perks to being transformed into a Saibo. Increased strength, speed, stamina, reaction time, more resistant to damage, etc. But there are also bonus upgrades a Saibo can earn with service. For example, upon completion of BST (Basic Saibo Training) A Saibo will be rewarded with a Grade D Upgrade, say Hidden blade in the right arm. A retractable 3 foot blade is installed into the saibo's arm for an advantage in hand to hand combat. The higher ranking a Saibo, the more advanced upgrades they receive. [center][b]Saibo Qualification.[/b][/center] Being classified as a Saibo is different than merely having a bionic appendage. A Saibo must rely on their bionic enhancements to live or have two or more mechanical attachments in their major organs or appendages. In other words, they cannot live without their bionic enhancements. They also must fit the age range specified by Major Abe, 17-55, and must be good enough physical shape to under go BST, only then will they be classified as a Saibo. [center][h1]Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it...[/h1][/center] [b]2015-2016:[/b] Terrorist attacks, ISIS related in particular, continue. Tensions between Russia and the UN increase. Holographic technology is released with the Microsoft Hololens. [b]2017-2018:[/b] Japanese Scientists start to research more advanced opportunities for Bionic technology. The True Imperials Japanese Extremist cell is formed in downtown Osaka. Shinharo Abe is re-elected as Prime Minister of Japan for his second term. [b]2019-2020:[/b] Japan accuses the United States of spying on high ranking officials and scientists. Diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Japan deteriorate. A group of True Imperials dressed as modern Japanese soldiers attack Okinawa USMC base, destroying several million dollars of equipment and injuring 11 marines. Tensions between the two countries increase as the U.S.A demands an explanation. [b]2021-2022:[/b] Prime Minister Shinharo Abe's son, Akio Abe, is fatally injured in a motorcycle accident. Japanese scientists offer a way to save Abe and the Prime Minister gives consent. The operation takes 12 hours but is considered a success. After waking from his surgery, Abe reveals that this was no accident, but attempted murder. After months of investigation, the True Imperials Extremist Cell is doscovered and suspected of the Marine base attack and the attempted murder of Akio Abe. [b]Summer 2022:[/b] Akio Abe voluntarily participates in a training course named Saibo Combat Course. He completes the grueling training late fall with full marks and excellent results. [b]Late Fall, Early Winter 2022:[/b] Akio Abe volunteers to infiltrate the extremist as a Saibo Commando. The Prime Minister hesitantly gives him clearance to proceed with the operation. December 17th, 2022, Saibo Abe eliminated the Second-In-Command of the True Imperials and gained enough intel to expose the entire cell and redeem Japan. Abe spent the following weeks assisting in the hunt for the rest of the cell. The hunt ending in the leader of the cell being gunned down by Abe in Tokyo, January 5th, 2023. [b]2023-2025:[/b] The True Imperials Extremist Cell is destroyed. Apple come out with the sleek holographic glasses, iHolo, while Microsoft combats with it's new prototype the HoloPhone. The ISIS Conflict comes to an end with a truce between the warring Islamic states. Russia's economy starts to build back up thanks to Makarov, Putin's successor after he was murdered by his wife. Shinharo Abe is re-elected as prime minister for his 4th term at the age of 49. [b]2026-2029:[/b] Lieutenant Abe prevents the nuclear meltdown of a British plant enabled by extremists. 321 British civilians were killed in the attack, ISIS claiming full responsibility. 1,500 British troops are deployed to the middle east in February 2026 , accompanied by 115 American Military Advisers and Lieutenant Abe of the Japanese Special Forces. October of 2026, SAS forces raided an ISIS stronghold assisted by Japanese Special Forces and detained a ranking leader in ISIS. An effective but controversial interrogation provided locations, names, movements and confessions of unclaimed atrocities. This information launched a massive military movement from multiple nations now known as Operation International Freedom. This military action lasted until 2032, where the majority of the nations withdrew after they deemed ISIS no longer a threat. [b]2032-2035:[/b] Abe is promoted to Major early 2032 at the age of 31. 99% of the facilities in First world countries are outfitted with holographic equipment. 85% of facilities in second world countries are outfitted with holographic equipment. Russia has one of the best economies in the world under the leadership of President Makarov. Japan's crime rate decreases due to the avid campaign Prime Minister Oyama has been pushing to lessen crime in major cities. Middle Eastern Extremist groups begin to feel the heat of organized government in mid 2035. Late 2035, Major Abe forms the Saibo Strike Force. [b]2036-2038:[/b] Gang Warfare increases in Central and South America due to the strict policing in Mexico and the United States. Holographic implants become available to prototype in Tokyo to brave volunteers. North Korean technology and activity increase, possible friendly outside organisation supplying them. [b]2039:[/b] Present Day. [center][h1]CS TEMPLATE[/h1][/center] Name: Codename: (What your character is referred to on an op.) Age: (17-55) Appearance: (Written or Picture is fine) Personality: (I won't put a requirement on this, just write to your hearts content!) Service Record: (Ex: ISIS Conflict (2022-2024) A full history of world events can be viewed above. If your character is younger than 18 it is very unlikely your character will have a service history, also it will be unlikely if your character never served as a Police Officer or Military Personnel. Of course you will have a service history is your character has been with the SSF before the date of the first mission, which is March, 2039. But at that point you can make up missions and put them on your history and even detail them if you wish. Go Wild!) Backstory: (At least a paragraph, remember, the Japanese government knows nearly everything about you.) Weapon: Cybernetic upgrade: (What makes your cybernetics unique to you? Only one upgrade per character.) Other: (Theme, some random ass message, whatever you want.)