[hr] Theo yawned, he had a whole week to stay at Jurrasic world and he didn't know what to exactly do. Used to being in solitude within his apartment he couldn't figure out a plan. His mother constantly calling him to see what he was doing and if he was having fun. The sun was slowly rising and the park was slightly full, hearing a male Youtuber had come by to the park he had hope that fans didn't clog up most of the park to see one man. After finishing his morning routine, he had grabbed the backpack off his bed and began to walk out of the hotel. On the 2nd floor, he was happy that he didn't have to go down a flight of stairs nor did he have to deal with those pesky elevators...still doesn't know how others can put up with such death machines. Theo awkwardly walked out of the entrance, the skies were orange and reddish and the park was...empty, almost. [ Time Skip! ] Theo was just in time to go to the T-Rex show. One of the most known relics within the Mesozoic Era! Outstanding how such...terrifying beauty can come to life and play out its normal T-Rex life. Though, he wondered why the park would host a relic killing modern-relics...sadistic, much? Sipping the last of his Coca-Cola, he threw away the cup into the trash as he walked by. Entering the large log that protected the visitors from the T-Rex, he saw a guard nearby and also a large crowd, crowding the window near. Sighing he trudged towards the back and...waiting for the show to begin. Whilst he waited, he watched a few videos about Black-Desert, a current trending game among most MMO-Players. Theo became oblivious to the fact that the show was starting and forgot he was there until the crowd suddenly began making 'perplexed' sounds. Turning off his phone he noticed one of the greatest relics that ever lived...maybe slightly overrated. He stood and shoved his hands into his pockets and watched the show from the back, not minding that most of the show was covered by a crowd. [hr]