Ricki took her hands away that were relaxingly behind her head and let her arms hang loose, swinging back and forth slightly, and smirked before following her party into the forest. She was excited that the real fun of this game was finally about to start, not saying that the first however many minutes weren't fun. The first minutes were pretty eventful. Well, they've felt eventful. Starting a new game, customizable characters, joining a party; that seems eventful right? Riiight? Alright. As they enter through the forest Ricki puts her right hand on the hilt of the blade that is sheathed on her left side, not moving it yet and ready to kick some mob ass. Ricki remembered from scrolling through menus earlier a skill she had called 'Quick Draw'. Name speaks for itself if definition needed. So when they find something good, Quick Draw! ...Assuming that Quick Draw will be needed that is. Ricki stayed close to the group as her eyes took a good but not too look around, keeping a look out and all not just for herself but for the group in general of course. [color=#2E64FE]"Hmmmm,"[/color] Ricki took a somewhat of a pause and thought about SawCutter's question regarding whether they really need a tactic or not since he's a giant robot. He was a pretty big robot. And pretty armed too by the obvious looks of it. [color=#2E64FE]"..Maaaaybee,"[/color] Ricki answered slowly but a little lively, she was still in thought as she spoke which explains the slowness. She took about a two second pause, [color=#2E64FE]"...For nooooow,"[/color] Ricki answered again, still speaking slow from thought as she was thinking half-deeply about the tactics question. Ricki honestly thinks they'll be fine either way, tactics or none. But that might be an itty bitty bit of cockiness talking to her since there's two big robots in the group, but honestly, maybe it's not.