Very different Estella. [hr] Name: Esuterura "Estella" Kuinu Gender: Female Age: 16 Earth Years Parents: Ransetura and Arnensa Kuinu (on another planet) Powers: Psionic Manipulation - Her psionics allow her to utilize several different abilities. Communication through telepathy, the lifting and moving of objects with telekinesis, and the ability to accelerate the healing process of herself and others. While there are many more facets to psionics she is still quite young and does not have a grasp of her full potential. Bio: Esuterura's race is quite different from those of Earth. They exist as semi-corporeal psionic beings. Having what loosely qualifies as a body their form of communication was solely through telepathy. In their society there exists a hierarchy, of which the Kuinu family currently ranks as the ruling class. As such Esuterura was next in line to rule, even if that wouldn't be for another few hundred years. Even so every day consisted of preparing to assume the future role she wanted no part of. So what does a teen do but rebel? Getting into mischief was a common occurrence. However each attempt came with stricter rules that limited her fun. Feeling stifled she resolved to run away where no one would find her. Being royalty she had access to areas normally off limits. But she made an error in judgement choosing to tamper with the jump drive of a small craft designed for deep space exploration. Merely wanting to make the thing work, once activated the craft put her into stasis and blinked off world. Finding its way to Earth the spacecraft scanned the atmosphere and life on the planet. The ship itself determined that the pilot would not survive the environment as is and reconstructed her body from the data collected, modeling it after the dominant species of the planet. With that done it selected a landing location and plummeted toward the surface of the planet. Appearance: [img][/img] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Kagerou Rotusu [b]Alias:[/b] Vitality [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 5343 years (looks 18) [b]Parents:[/b] Unknown [b]Powers:[/b] All of Kagerou's abilities revolve around one thing, life steal. The living energy of everything around her is her soul source of sustenance. The more she steals the stronger her other abilities become. Those abilities are super strength, telekinesis, regeneration, and immortality. Should she run out of life force she would turn to dust. She takes small amounts from many sources around her so most never notice the difference. Not really a power but the many years has allowed her to master many skills. [b]Bio:[/b] Born millennia ago much of her early years are lost even to Kagerou. The earliest memories are of being a slave to a wealthy land owner. Things may have gone well for the young girl had she not been falsely accused of a crime. In those days the punishment was often death, as was the case here. Before being summarily executed Kagerou was offered a new life by a being of the underworld. Naive and fearful she quickly accepted. This didn't prevent her death however. Reviving in the wilderness where she was left to rot, Kagerou now found herself the slave of a new master. Having no choice but to obey the wishes of a demon she used her newly acquired powers to wreak havoc and death to those who did not submit to her master. As time passed it became more and more apparent that she no longer aged, a part of the curse to prevent her from ever being free. Hundreds of years passed, giving rise to legends of a bringer of death. But just like in the mortal world the underworld contained warring factions. Unbeknownst to Kagerou, her master was losing a battle that ultimately lead to his end. After not hearing anything from the master she had served for so long there was an extended spell where Kagerou disappeared from history. Having become so accustomed to receiving orders she was lost without them. Eventually though she realized that she had been freed and could make her own decisions. By then the whole world had moved on and she knew nothing of the cultural and technological changes. This was still well before the years of AD. Striking out on her own Kagerou sought to learn as much as she could about the world and travelled it over many times. Constantly having time to spare she tried and practiced anything she encountered. In the modern era she has become a freelancer. Of what just depended on how she felt. Good, bad, neutral, it made no difference. She's done jobs for SHIELD, The Hive, AIM, and even the Academy from time to time. Being as her interests are fickle it has been a generation since she has served as an instructor at the school. She recently returned to partially reprise her role in the Power Development class. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img]