[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xYhKVDk.png[/img] [h2][sup][i]kim ha-sun [color=ed145b]"[/color]kimmy[color=ed145b]"[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][/center][color=ed145b][sub][h3]What's your name?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]If you need to know so badly: my name is Kim Ha-sun. Most of the kids at school call me Kim or Kimmy, sure; you didn't ask me what the kids call me. Maybe we should think about the questions we really want to ask before we ask others, hmm? That was a rhetorical question, sweetie. Try to keep up.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]How old are you?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]You know? My mom told me to hit anyone who ever asked that question. But it's been kind of a long day, so I'll go easy on the aggravated assault. For now. I'm 17. I'm a junior at the high school a few blocks from my apartment building. I switched schools and countries and [i]languages[/i] when I was eight years old-- I'd like to see you learn math with words you'd never heard before, how to make sentences with symbols you've only ever seen on [i]television[/i] and... could you imagine some other third thing, here? You're a doll, thanks.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]What do you look like?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]My mother cuts my hair, first of all; if you have a problem with the bowl-cut bangs I'm rocking, you go ahead and make sure her name is on the letterhead. I don't particularly mind her doing it; it saves money. It gives us a chance to catch up, at least. She's... busy. But, uh. I'm... tall. I suppose you wouldn't know from the slouching, but I'm 5'8". Lanky, you could say? I don't really exercise. Between my twin kid sisters, school, and working at Pete's? It's amazing I can even find the time to stuff my bra in the morning. Not that I stuff my bra. I haven't done that since I was, like, 12. Since... Since I was... 13? Fine. Since last year. Whatever. I'm flat chested; we're moving on. I get cold pretty easy-- tend to bundle up. Like, [i]everything[/i] I own is covered in a thin layer of motor oil stains, or grease stains, or dirt stains. Most days I'll just throw a big sweater on over whatever shirt manages to pass a sniff test and scuttle through the door. I was born in South Korea. I'm Koran, like the rest of my family. I have? Black hair, I guess. Brown eyes. I know my hair and eye color; I'm not hesitating because I don't. I'm hesitating because I'm really not sure why you [i]care[/i]. Do you... get off on this? Or something? Because, seriously? [i]Ew[/i].[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]Do you have any hobbies?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]I help out at the local Meals on Wheels, if that's what you're wondering. Elderly people are always a good time. Always have something interesting to say-- you might too, if you were alive for so long. I can't technically volunteer, some policy about school students not being allowed to work during "school hours", even on holiday. The whole thing's [i]beyond[/i] stupid, but there's nothing I can do about it. My mom isn't exactly clamoring to help me put up a stink, either. She doesn't need me monopolizing our old Saturn any more than I already do. I like machines. Cars. Bikes. Whatever it is: you name it, and I'll tool around with it. Machines just... make sense. They work. They're not complicated or [i]mysterious[/i], you know? Every part has a function, and when all the parts do that function, everything just [i]works[/i]. Reading is nice. Doesn't really matter what I read [i]about[/i], as long as it's nonfiction. Only exception to that is science fiction; the twins love when I read to them, and they love aliens, so? I kind of [i]have[/i] to like it.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]What are some things that you especially dislike?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]I hate frogs. Mostly because the twins love them. And insist on bringing them into the house. And into my room. And leaving them on my bed. They do that with most animals they can get their grimy little mits on, now that I think about it? But the frogs are the [i]worst[/i]. I don't even understand [i]how[/i] they can catch the things. They're witches, probably. Otherwise? I hate trains. Loud, [i]ugly[/i] machines. The new ones aren't so bad, but the ones by our old apartment complex? Disgusting. People who try to speak to me in broken mandarin-- and who don't realize asia isn't [i]a country[/i]? Don't. Fudging. [i]Start.[/i] Same with people who ask if I ever [i]don't[/i] wear a scarf, or who "stole my tits"... I need to fix something. Or... throw a wrench through a [i]window[/i] or something. Ugh.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]What are your goals for the future? Both immediate and long-term.[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]I'd really like to work with the elderly, but there's nothing that really pays well for that. And, see, I kind of have this thing where I actually want to be useful to my family at some point. So? Just making it out of high school would be nice. I test well. Have decent SAT scores-- better than decent, if we're talking about math or science. But really? I'm more focused on the twins getting out of school than me. So. Dating? Never much thought about it. Mom insists there must be [i]someone[/i] I'm interested in, but the pool of girls looking to date other girls isn't exactly [i]huge[/i] around here, and I can't really imagine getting all [i]invested[/i] in someone who's just gonna laugh at the idea and then sail me down the rumor mill.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]What's your home life like? Specifically, what is your relationship like with your parents?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]My father walked out on our family when I was seven years old; I can only ever remember having the one parent. My mom. It's just as well, if you ask me. He was an animal. Everyone always said I looked like him-- that I talked like him? But they never [i]saw[/i] the way he really talked. I'd never treat anyone the way he treated... other people. Like? Do I look like an animal? Seriously. Again with the rhetoric. [i]Pay attention [/i] if you're gonna ask all these [i]invasive[/i] questions. My mom works a lot. She takes care of my younger twin sisters and I. My older sister is in college in... Canada, I think? She might be studying abroad, at this point. She comes back for Christmas and her birthday. Not that we celebrate either of those... we're not a Celebrate-y kind of family. Don't need to be. We're happy. We love each other. Yeah, it's... hard to make dinner, sometimes, but we manage.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]What's your favorite animal, and why?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]The spotted hyena has always been my favorite. I thought they were dogs when I was little; I wanted one for our apartment. I loved the way they giggled as they ran away from danger. And that they don't take any [i]guff[/i] from humans. Of course most of the stories of hyenas with "tastes for human flesh" are exaggerations or flat out, like, [i]fabrications[/i]; that doesn't make me appreciate the notion any less. ...okay, that's not exactly true. But the way they chase off cheetahs or other predators? Taking what they want? I don't know. I hate it in people, but in animals? It's kind of... neat.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]Favorite color?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]Hands down, [color=ed145b]rose[/color]. A pretty, warm pink. Nothing washed out and sad, like those crayons you get as a kid. It's the color we painted my desk. And... also our bathtub. The twins got it [i]so[/i] in their hair while we were painting. Mom laughed. I... was less laughing. Did not laugh at all, in fact. I was too busy trying to wash the twins.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]Do you identify with any song or piece of music?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]I like the violin. Wish I could play it; you've got to start that kind of thing young. Most cello pieces I'll enjoy, too, but... connect with? I can't say so much. Not off the top of my head.[/indent][/indent] [color=ed145b][sub][h3]Do you believe in aliens?[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]Is this Ha-eun? Ha-Nui? They keep trying to get me to agree with them that they're [i]out there[/i], or that I want-to-believe, or whatever? But I don't. I don't believe in aliens. Yeah, yeah. Call me a spoilsport. Bring it on. It's nothing the twins haven't [i]sung[/i] at me before. [i]Do your worst.[/i][/indent][/indent] [hr] [center][h2][sup][i]kimmy's relationships[/i][/sup][/h2][/center][color=yellow][sub][h3]Keira[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]Keira, huh. She helped me with my English last year-- NHS has this tutor thing and... yeah, I needed a little help with the language most colleges I'm going to apply to [i]generally[/i] accept submissions in. I could kick a [i]butt[/i] up and down a submission in Hangul. Which, I'd wager, is a lot more than you can say. But uh, I think she knew Clay. Knew of him, anyway; that's not really saying much. I wouldn't really call Erie [i]big[/i]. Her hands didn't exactly look like they'd seen a lot of work beyond data entry. Or typing or... whatever it's called. Mom told me not to speak ill of people who've gone out of their way to help you-- but I don't think it's [i]ill[/i], exactly, to say that I can't envision a situation where I'd really [i]fancy[/i] spending more than a few hours with her. Or be able to stand it. Same difference.[/indent][/indent] [color=green][sub][h3]Clay[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]He'd never believe me if I or if anyone else told him, but just between us? Clay's a good guy. Don't get me wrong-- he's abrasive. He's too quick to throw a punch for his own good. Too eager to assert whatever alpha dog, bully, muck-with-me-and-I'll-kill-you persona he thinks he's obligated to shove on for the people that expect it of him. But... he always smiles when the twins give him a picture-- always tells them how good it is. He says they're getting better at drawing than [i]he[/i] is, which they just [i]eat up[/i]. We're... close. Friends I guess, if you're going to make me put a name on it. No, I'm not biased. He's... good to the girls. They like him. Don't act [i]so[/i] surprised. He's not hardly the most [i]awful[/i] guy in the world to hang out with. He doesn't go all space-cadet when I try to talk at him about the lousy transmission of the old Dodge Ms. Fjord keeps brining in to the shop-- doesn't mind getting his hands dirty with me at the dump when I have to scavenge for parts to fix the Saturn. He walks me to work. My mom thinks he's a sweet kid-- calls him a cowboy. I don't know if she knows his real name... yeah. I said friends. [i]No[/i]. We're not [i]dating.[/i] I never said anything about dating. I told you I wasn't [i]interested[/i] in that mess, remember? Are you seriously still not paying attention? We're just... [i]good[/i] friends. [i]Best friends[/i]. Try listening for once when I say it, numbskull. [i][b]Friends[/b][/i].[/indent][/indent] [color=darkturquoise][sub][h3]Gili[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]Gili? Why do you care? Did your barn-raising never involve the lesson: [i]mind your own business[/i]? Whatever. Gili. They... used to help out with my English tutoring. They filled in for Keira, mostly. What? Who told [i]you[/i] that? You're not [i]wrong[/i]-- it's just weird that you know we dated. I forget sometimes. God. That was back in... freshman year? Maybe some of sophomore summer. I can't remember when I broke it off. No, no. That's-- it wasn't anything they did... think more along the lines of stuff they didn't do. It never got serious, serious. [i]They[/i] weren't serious enough for that. That was the problem. They take everything as a jokes. You know the type. They never wanted to talk about their family, or my family... never [i]anything[/i] without making a laugh at it. It's [i]their[/i] fault the twins like that Axe Files junk. [i]Totally[/i] age unappropriate. We're not... [i]not[/i] friends, I guess. I'm not going to [i]excuse[/i] Gili-- not for the lying to me. But I don't resent them. I don't have time for that. And really? I don't think it was... malice. I don't think they really [i]know[/i] how to be malicious. I don't see Gili much since I stopped having scheduled tutoring sessions; the twins ask about them sometimes.[/indent][/indent] [color=770DE1][sub][h3]Zasha[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]The kid's a pain. Most of our interactions come down to hurling the verbal equivalent of a javelin across the quad, hoping it winds up lodged in a rib. But, like, nonlethally... most of the time. Most of the time, nonleathally. He's got bizzare opinions about pizza and ranch. Not bad: bizzare. Bizzare opinions? Okay. He's [i]bizzare[/i] in general. Likes making a show of butchering a language he understands [i]perfectly well[/i], just to be an antagonistic little mole. I'd say he's not important enough to think about at all, but the whole word-javelin thing? He's as good as throwing back as what he gets-- usually. At the very least he's pretty good for spicing up an otherwise eye-gouging-would-be-preferable English lesson.[/indent][/indent] [color=red][sub][h3]Josh[/h3][/sub][/color] [indent][indent]Josh... Joshua. You're talking about Segel kid, right? The gridiron one. The football one. I don't really [i]know[/i] him. Not personally. Different grades-- different [i]spheres[/i], or whatever. Seems more the type to hang around a Keira than the resident greasemonkey, don't you think? Rhetorical. I think I've seen him once or twice down at the Meals on Wheels office? Could be wrong, though. Every kid in a lettermen tends to look the same to me. The most I know about the kid is that he and Clay [i]had words[/i]. The way Clay tells it, Segel started it, and he finished it. I think the wording was: [color=green][i]"I practically self-defended."[/i][/color] ...Clay says that about most fights-- most [i]word exchanges[/i]. It's probably best to take that with a tablespoon of salt. I can't say much about the fight itself-- I wasn't there. What I can say is that anyone who pulls the deans into their own schoolyard tussles probably needs bigger Huggies and a nap; I don't much feel like looking into adult diapers Segel's size.[/indent][/indent]