Name: Takashi Hatsune Codename: Spectre Age: 18 Appearance: Takashi has brown hair, green eyes, and has human muscle. Personality: Takashi still has become a more serious person. He still cracks jokes though. He just hides it and he can be very cynical. It seems as nothing fazes him. This is because the cybernetic upgrades made it wear he wasn't very fazed by anything. He also has lost a lot of humanity and is not afraid of killing a person if he is order to. Service Record: Operation Burning Hope, 2038. Backstory: Takashi was a regular high school he was injured badly after a explosion in a explosion in a his school, resulting many deaths. He was at the verge of death himself until he joined the Saibo Project. He always wanted to be a soldier and this was his chance to be one. He lost his arm and his torso was badly burnt meaning they had to replace a lot of his chest and back with metal. His first mission was Operation "Burning Hope" in 2038 where he had to help stop a terrorist attack in Japan. In Japan he was nearly killed from a building collapsing on him. After Operation "Burning Hope". He had to have his eye replaced from the injury and had to get a leg replacement. After this, he has been in virtual training simulations for a year to get use to his new leg and eye. He has been waiting for a new mission ever since he got done with training. This all the personal information known about him. Weapon: Uzi. Cybernetic upgrade: His Cybernetic upgrade is the ability to hack into data by only looking at it.