Name: Aeon Age: N/A Gender: N/A Creature/Species: Shard Powers/Abilities: [Accelerate] Using his control over time, Aeon is able to accelerate his own movements drastically. This effectively allows him to move at superhuman speed, as well as react inhumanly fast. He can also use this power to accelerate projectiles, making them far more dangerous. His acceleration can be turned around into deceleration, but the farther away a target is the less effect it has. It's also really hard for him to accelerate and decelerate at the same time. [Entropy] By touching something, Aeon is able to rapidly accelerate it's life cycle. This allows rapid entropy to destroy it. He can cause wood to rot away, and stone to crumble into dust. He's unable to affect living beings with this power, unless he holds them for an extended period of time. The process can also be reversed, allowing him to reconstruct things that have been destroyed. As with the negative side of this power, this is less effective on living beings. He can heal wounds, if given time, but he cannot bring the dead back to life. [Delay] Once more limited through touch, Aeon is able to delay an action or effect. He can punch you in a way that you'd only feel an hour after it happened. He can also use this to delay damage inflicted on himself, although this requires constant concentration. There is no opposite to this power. The longest time something can possibly be delayed is 4 hours, and if Aeon's concentration is broken all delayed events will instantly occur. Description: A tall white humanoid, with no external features besides the two glowing green orbs where one would expect it's eyes. It wears a pair of jeans and a black tshirt to contrast with it's pale skin. Bio: The Nebula system was once ruled by a godlike being of unknown origins. With it's mere whims it controlled the worlds, and all those on it. A fickle God who brought both joy and despair to those realms it ruled, simply for it's own amusement. However, due to an unknown and mysterious cataclysm, this ancient being was destroyed. The various parts of it's body were scattered. However, even the remains of it's magic were enough to revive the shards of it's corpse into individual beings. Each retained some small fraction of the being's power, gaining control over a Domain. For Aeon, this was Time.