[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jpPo2XY.jpg[/img][/center] Pandaemonium is located in the end of a narrow valley, in a hilly and rocky region: east of its walls lies Am Dhaegar and the mountain of Purgatory, west stands the Black Throne, and north the endless ocean. Since the kidnapping of Satan and the following civil war, vast parts of the city have been abandoned and left in disrepair. In its centre, stands the Palace of Unquenchable Flame: in this towering building, composed of thousands of intricate corridors and hallways and surrounded by the homes of the various archdemons, the Stygian Council gathers, in a large hall lit only by a single, eternal flame. The Council was created not long after the War in Heaven, in order to rule over the infernal capital while the Conclave holds supreme authority over the whole of Hell: the Stygian Council is made up of seventy two major demons, four of which (Baal, Astaroth, Belial and Asmodeus) hold the title of Chancellors and preside over the Council, also having a seat in the Black Conclave. However, after Satan was kidnapped and imprisoned, Belial was elected as Infernal Regent, and since then attempted to increase the authority of the Conclave and decrease that of the Council, naming another member of the Conclave, Beelzebub, as the only supreme chancellor, which sparked the civil war that devastated Pandaemonium. Thanks to Beelzebub's charisma and political ability, he is managing to keep the Council under the Conclave's strict control for the time being, but tensions are rising steadily as the demonic nobility reclaims their ancient rights. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/f7lq8yx.png[/img][/center] The Malebolge are Pandemonium's most populous district, and the heart of the city's social and commercial life: located directly south of the Palace, the Malebolge are built, or rather dug, into a rocky and steep slope, and are thus a maze of staircases and narrow roads and alleys. Here both demons and phantoms live side by side, and a traveller may find all the commodities that are to be expected in a large metropolis: marketplaces, shops, workshops, taverns, brothels, and so on. All the roads connecting the rest of Hell (and by extension, other worlds) to Pandaemonium arrive here, bringing with them foreign goods and news: lately, news from outside the wall have become more and more disquieting... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FjDtx4L.png[/img][/center] East of the Palace and the Malebolge, lie the Catacombs, a large area of seemingly semi-abandoned low buildings and dilapidated houses. In fact, while the surface part of the district is actually for the most part abandoned, the underground is filled with a labyrinthine network of tunnels and subterranean passages, often covered in overgrown vegetation, where most of the inhabitants live. The Catacombs are much poorer than the Malebolge as a quarter, and host the most numerous community of Old Ones of Pandaemonium. The deepest parts of the Catacombs are uncharted and unexplored, but perhaps there is a reason why demon mothers warn their children never to wander too deep... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2et9IeZ.png[/img][/center] North of the Palace, stand the Docks, on the shores of the nameless ocean. Here, brave crews of demons, phantoms and sometimes old ones and revenants challenge the crashing waves, hunting for the great sea serpents, gargantuan whales and oceanic monsters. They don't always return, but when they do, they carry bones, skins, meat and most of all oil, valuable goods which are later sold at the Malebolge. Lately, piracy has also started to become a problem around the waters of Pandaemonium, but most worrisome is the fact that sometimes even experienced sailors return from their experience in a state of complete madness, incoherently rambling about "some thing they saw beyond the waves"... [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qnDuTO4.png[/img][/center] Meaning "the Gate" in the Angelic speech, Am Dhaegar is located east of the walls of Pandaemonium, on the slope of the immense mountain of Purgatory. This citadel is unlike anything you'll see in all of Hell: a gleaming fortress of gold and marble, surrounded by luminous, beautiful gardens and woods where both fauna and flora prosper and bloom. The castle of Am Dhaegar has a permanent garrison of angels, sent there to make sure that the many terms of the Pact are respected by the demons of Hell: however, a couple centuries ago, the pact was violated as the angels accused the Adversary for the many, disquieting changes culminating in the madness of Urya. Satan was chained below Am Dhaegar, below Purgatory itself: now, the frail peace between demons and angels might be about to shatter once and for all. Curiously, the Old Ones seem to avoid Am Dhaegar like the plague, as if they knew some curse hanged above the location. Still, the Old Ones are a superstitious kind, that for sure. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/YYgZadB.jpg[/img][/center] Beyond the western walls of Pandaemonium, lies a cold, freezing region known as Cocytus; here, the only sounds that can be heard are those of the winds and snowstorms that roar continuously, bringing with them the desperate wails of the damned. Beyond these frozen, jagged wastes, an immense monolith of black stone stands, looming in the distance and barely visible from Pandaemonium. It is the Black Throne, Satan's imperial palace: an impregnable bastion of obsidian and ice, with thirteen circles of walls, complete with traps, fortifications, killing fields, and constantly watched by entire legions of demons: here the Conclave, made up of seventeen demon lords, meets to govern Hell. Its reputation as the ultimate fortress made the news that Satan had been kidnapped from it even more shocking: however, some whisper that the Adversary knew that the Archangels were coming for him, and in fact subtly decided to let himself be captured and imprisoned. Rumors run rampant, but very little can truthfully say that they know what truly happened that night, a couple of centuries ago, and they closely guard that knowledge.