Unable to resist any longer, Kanitah took the kick to the face in whole. Blood sprayed from his face as he was kicked aside by Fury, his left hand had simply let go of Fury's boot and his right hand had torn off the siding of it. He was no longer clinging to Fury's leg and simply lying there, chest heaving slowly. His right hand clenched tightly around the shard of metal in his hand. Evident that he was gripping to anything, just for a bit of comfort. Lying there on the ground, Kanitah could barely see out of his left eye and his right eye had entirely swollen shut. Everything ached from his head to his toe, so much of him was broken and battered. A loud grunt escaped him as he put his left elbow to the ground, trying fruitlessly to prop himself up. To look Fury in the eyes. At most, all he could do was lean his head forwards. It wasn't much, but he was pushing the ground with his feet to slide backwards. Fury's kick to the face had taken more out of him than he would have liked it to, he didn't have the strength to kick himself away. If he did, he would have just kicked the ground to have some sort of escape. Not like it would have mattered much anyway. [color=f7941d]"Poda kuwana chisa, Itaroknos. Chi ho rana soma ohk bohr ka oda mani iyah."[/color]("Just finish me, Fury. I'd rather die in battle than an old man anyway.") The words came out in his native language, his translator had been broken. Lying there on the ground with most of his blood outside of him, he didn't really take notice. As well, the words were slurred by his missing teeth and broken jaw.