The battle raged around Dynasmon but he was focussed on his attack, so focussed that he was unable to notice the death of Beelzemon or the birth of the massive dragon digimon over the battlefield. He shivered, as he watched his attack barely even cause the abomination to flinch while the other digimon managed to deal much more damage than his own greatest attack could. With a roar of his own, Dynasmon's attention snapped upwards to the greater dragon. "OH HELL!" he roared "More enemies or a friend?" He wondered aloud. He withdrew within his mind for a moment, letting Elle and Wizardmon converse again. "What do we do?" Elle asked her partner "Even IF the others are in better shape than us, I don't think we can take on that abomination AND this newcomer if it attacks us." "You're such a downer sometimes." Came the reply "You know we have another level, we can become stronger. Besides we're not the only ones around, there's plenty of us to fight that thing if it attacks us. But for now it's doing nothing while the abomination kills people." Wizardmon gave Elle a grimace and winced, he was still injured, much like Elle herself was. "We wouldn't last long in a second fight, we would probably die" Elle tried smile and started to say something else. Dynasmon suddenly and instinctively snapped out of the conversation so that they could dodge stray blasts that the abomination had fired, they could only watch, not fast enough to save any of the pedestrians who disintegrated from the blasts. Though they saw a blue flash fly past the location they only logged it as yet another attack of some kind. "Okay" Elle said "The abomination first, then the dragon, let's end this." Wizardmon nodded and began glowing, releasing the last reserves of his energy and combining it with Elle's own life force. It took them significant effort but they managed to release the energy into their combined form. Dynasmon eventually began glowing himself. He started growing larger and obtained a green tinge to his armour as well as additional parts, giving him a more regal look. "DYNASMON SAGE MODE!" He roared aloud as he finished the transformation and blasted the energy barrier that had surrounded his change aside. "Okay, time for this to end." He muttered to himself, lowering his gaze to the abomination and quickly calculating. "I'm gonna punch that fucker." He drew back his wings, causing a blast of wind behind him as he launched himself as fast as he could and drawing his hand back "DRAGON COLLIDER!" He roared, gathering energy in his palms in preparation of the impact.