[quote] I just noticed a lot of our heavy gears(and pilots) died, so theres been a radical shift to more strike and feint gears VS the rough and tumble brawler type[/quote] As I have said until my vocal cords are raw and bleeding, [b]GEARs are modular machines, with swappable weapons and equipment[/b]. There aren't really 'heavy' or 'light' GEARs, or at least there weren't [i]supposed[/i] to be when I envisaged the setting. Just GEARs that can have equipment, armour, and other systems attached as needed for different roles. If people embrace the idea of being able to swap weapons between missions for the expected situation, like the setting says they can, then it won't be a problem. Some missions you need long-range missiles? Fine, attach a box launcher to a shoulder hardpoint. Need jump-packs? Attach them to a back hard point for this mission. Need a sniper rifle? Leave your assault rifle in the hangar on this sortie. Close combat? Take a shotgun and two combat knives today. Have to breach some defences under fire? Bolt-on external armour, shaped charges and construction equipment. Going underwater? Hydro propulsion pack, underwater weapon systems, and bolt-on aquatic sensor suite. That's how it's supposed to work; versatility and flexibility, not specialization. [quote]So just to be sure, at this point in the story everyone is back on the Claw after the mission?[/quote] Yes, there has been a time-skip of a few hours to allow everyone to return to the ship. If wanted, people can fill in what they did in between as I would expect them to. You character and the other new characters will be introduced as I stated previously in the OOC, a few posts down the line once we've left Martenstown behind, and have reached the new base. I'll include you in a PM with Aristo, Caliban and Jynx when I'm due to introduce them as you'll all be in the same place for the sake of convenience.