[b]"I'd say that running out of camp would be a bad idea. You know, if you want to consider not doing it."[/b] Gideon began to wonder if he'd made the wrong decision with who to approach, given that Cypher had already confronted one of the people he didn't want to meet. He'd been making a point to avoid the military types, and even a support unit like Margret could have heard of his... exploits. He made a note to watch her closely, directing the foci on the top of his staff to examine the smaller woman with a disgustingly organic movement. The amber orb rotated around the top of the iron stave, and glared down at Maggie as the magic circle inside twisted and focused. He picked up one of the mugs as Lucas asked him a question. [b]"Oh, ah, I do much the same thing, really." [/b]His body language didn't change from jumpy nervousness as he took a swing from the horrible beer. He had bigger things to worry about, like how dangerous the man before him was. [b]"Mister Trent, let's not do that and just say that you won." [/b]