Annette frowned as she listened to the explanation that Misaka provided about what had happened to her clothes, before Shirai rebuked that. It was hard to determine who was telling the truth, and she had the feeling that she never would at this point. Not that it mattered either, since things seemed to be perfectly fine without it. But she did add her input once Kuroko had finished. "I certainly hope so," she replied. "Such illegal actions are things that an upstanding Judgment Officer should not engage in." Little did she know of the full extent to which Kuroko went past the bounds of reasonable behavior for an officer of the law. With that said she turned back to Misaka, taking on a smile once more as she addressed the true matter at hand. "Well, if you would like then I would be willing to come with and offer an opinion on whatever you might pick out. I would hate for someone of your status and reputation to embarrass herself in public." Little did she know of the extent that that went as well, or if she did then she did a good job of hiding it. Still, she didn't mind either way, and if Misaka refused then she would not object. But it seemed courteous to offer, even if her help was not needed. It would be up to the Railgun in the end.