[@supertinyking][@thewizardguy] Mithias blinked at Alice. "'...the cause behind this?' What do you mean? This?" He gestured to Hell. "I honestly don't believe anything in Ozzy's realm has anything to do with Bob." He growled lightly at Ozzy. "I can only imagine what lies this demon has told you. But regardless, you're right about one thing. The lives of many are worth more than the life of one. Personally, I don't understand how killing Bob is going to save li... Uh... Erm. Actually... " He paused, as if realizing something. His eyes sparkled for a moment. "Maybe you are right." He hoped Bob wouldn't yank on his soul until he fully realized what Mithias was planning. He sighed in apparent reluctance. "I may be willing to help you find the girl, but!" He made a dramatic effort. "This goal of this mission is not to kill Bob. We can barter with him for Drac's soul, grr, as much as I hate Drac for what he's done, but no harm is to come to the girl. If you also want to try to compel Bob to spare some other lives... well then I am not opposed to that. I'll warn you though, I left Bob's daughter behind after the fight, and I have no idea where she would have gone to."