[@supertinyking] [color=red]"I've been waiting for this..." As he utters these words, Michael extends his right hand toward Jessica, grabbing her with what appears to be a skeletal dragon hand enveloped in shadows. His grip is like steel, beginning to slowly increase the pressure, bringing her agonizing pain as he slowly closes his hand, deciding to keep her guessing as to when he'd end it.[/color] [color=lime] Noticing the light in Michael's eyes had dulled, Ven knew that whatever Jessica had shown him may have caused him to snap over to the side of himself that the Keyblade wielder had come to grow wary of. "[i]If things get out of hand, I might just have to stop him myself..[/i]"He thinks.[/color] [color=yellow]Sensing something slightly off with the brains of the group, Vanitas cracks a smile, feeling as if the tactician had finally come to his senses and embraced his darker self. Ventus would have no choice but to do the same if this were the case.[/color]