Cassie had been waiting since early that morning in a blind she'd made two weeks ago of fir branches when she saw large Roe Buck cautiously making his way down the opposite bank of the small stream. Behind him came another younger buck and six nervous doe. Cassandra had spotted the game trail and decided it would be a good place to gather protein. She didn't notice the chill in the morning air because she was wrapped in the remains of two shredded wool blankets she'd turned into a ghillie suit to use while hunting and scouting. The suit was covered in debris from her hunts that she never removed because it add an extra layer of camouflage an made her seem a part of the landscape. So it was with as slow a movements as she could manage that Cassie notched an arrow to her bow. She drew back the string as she rose above her blind taking site on the young buck as he sipped water from the clear mountain stream. It was with a small amount of remorse that she released the shaft to let it fly across the shallow water. It struck as perfectly as anyone might want driving it's razor sharp blades through flesh, through a lung and into the buck's heart. The other deer bolted issuing shrill warning whistles and grunts as they flew from the sight of the kill. Cassie ran down the hill and splashed through the water to the side of her kill where she dropped her bow an drew a large hunting knife an slit the buck's throat to assure he was dead. After cutting his throat she castrated him so the meat wouldn't spoil. Then tying his hind legs together and his fore legs she tucked her shoulder under the 60 kilo animal an lifted him off the ground After picking up her bow she walked for 200 meters up the middle of the stream to a cluster of bushes she'd chosen as dressing station because of a small tree she couuld use as a hoist.