He smacked himself in the head, trying to reorient himself. That was bad, letting himself be vulnerable like that. This was no time for anyone like Julian to get lost. They were already out and ready to strike, with the Orc warriors supported by archers. How they managed to wield a bow with any form of competence was anyone's guess. With practiced movements, Julian drew an arrow, nocked it, and pulled back. A pulse of silver-blue energy ignited through the projectile just before the Hunter let loose, aiming to take down an axeman and an archer in one fell shot. As the others advanced, Julian dived to the side and back, crouching down to make himself a smaller target. He had time to prepare and fire off two precise shots at the charging warriors' heads before they started getting too close to risk a third. The closest warrior was raising his axe vertically when Julian dived to the side again, snapping out a quick shot at his less-armored hide. The next few warriors followed, but Julian was more nimble, backpedaling to run around them and put the archers in his line of sight - and him in theirs. The Hunter braced himself to roll below the incoming volley - the sooner he could take out the fire support, the more quickly he could kill the rest and turn to aid his allies.