Not really surprised by anything due to him just saying that this place was some sort of literal digital realm, or something, I almost expected him to have an extra set of eyes in his hands, after all, given everything up to this point, it was oddly normal, and as such, I had an 'unimpressed' face, or some sort of equivilant. He then told me his name, and was probably hoping I was too scared to continue talking, but I just asked, starting to get a little bored, honestly "So, Mr. Dracmon, any ideas on where some sort of civilization might be... or, anywhere where I won't get killed?" Alan backed away from what's-her-face, who was talking to that new guy. I would have told Alan to introduce himself, but I had a feeling that he was kinda, well, shy. I then start thinking, even if we found some sort of civilization, what kind of money would they have? Do they just let what they consider toddlers to roam around? Do these so-called toddlers have to pay for anything, or is there any sort of guardianship from the supposedly older, and most likely more powerful creatures? I assumed that even if I asked that, our guide here wouldn't even answer, heck, I'd be surprised if he answered the question I already asked him. I then overhear the girl muttering, and finally catch her name, though, if I just addressed her by name immediately, she'd think, or, rather, know that I was eavesdropping, and she was one of the few normal people here, I'd rather not lose her help... or, at least, whatever help a second, and now third, as someone else just ran into the scene, forgot to notice that earlier, person could provide.