[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QWpCCzW.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=#A68064][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Amid Hajjar[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]35[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Male[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Team:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]India[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Afghan[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Rank:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Communications Officer and tech support[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Service record:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Served in Afghan Civil war and the 2001-current war in Afghanistan.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Amid is a mild mannered man, quiet and intelligent. He's respectful to those who doesn't know informally, and warm to those that he does. One could describe him as a family man; he doesn't have much else going for him, so family is all he's got. He's a little reserved, and sometimes even shy around newer people. Amid has a certain expectation that people will automatically hate him because of his race, because, often times, that's what has happened. Because of this, he often goes out of his way to be kind to strangers and remain patient and respectful. He can get a bit excited when he gets into one his rambles about the latest technology, but he can be reeled back in pretty easily. There is, however, a darker side to the mild Afghan. His past experiences in the army have left scars on him, both physical and mental. Even now, after years of doing his job, he'll awake in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. He learned to make a switch inside his mind that he can simply turn off when he needs to do the more...[i]gruesome[/i] aspects of his job.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Other:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A] He can speak several languages, including Arabic, Kurdish, English, Russian, German, and many others. Mostly European languages.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Amid is, compared to many of his cohorts, a bit underwhelming. He's pretty muscular, but it's a lean muscle. His mass is hard and ropy, with little fat and bulk. His height, the center of much teasing, is a mere 5'5". And yes, he's heard every "short" joke in the book. His eyes are a dark, chocolate brown, and his skin is a warm, light brown. His hair, often messy and a medium length, is jet black. Amid's facial features are recognizably Arab.[/color] [color=#A68064][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=#8B8B7A]Amid grew up in Kabul, Afghanistan. It was a city that left much to be desired, and his family was practically poverty stricken. He lived in a two room house with his mother and four siblings: one older brother and three sisters. His father had been a soldier, and died before he returned home from his tour. Amid's older brother, Isam, was the family's single provider for many years. Unfortunately, his brother also died young, killed by a stray gunfire while walking home from his second job. This left Amid, barely 18, with little other choice than to go out and provide for his family. He joined the military, hoping to one day save enough money to get his family out of the city and into a safer home. He work diligently, raising through the ranks and becoming a successful communications officer. It was about a year after this promotion that Amid's supervision offered him a higher paying job. It had decent benefits, good pay, and was far less dangerous. His supervisor didn't go into details, and it wasn't until Amid accepted the offer that he was told to full requirements. He would become an interrogator; being put into a room with a captive and staying there until they told him valuable information. What he had to do to acquire this information was kept off the records. The things he did during those years still haunt his darkest memories even today. He made good money, but Amid felt as though his soul had slowly died. When he was offered a chance to go back, work for communications again for an international mission, there wasn't any questions about it. Amid took the offer. He didn't care where he had to go, or what he had to do. Amid was shipped out to India to meet with his new cohorts. But before he went, he took what money he had earned and used almost all of it to moved his two youngest sisters out of Kabul and into a smaller, safer village. He was about to afford them a good home where they wouldn't have to beg for food or sleep on the floor. While this gave him a little peace of mind, it left him with almost nothing left for himself. Amid has about 50 American dollars to get him through this operation until his paycheck. [/color] I hope my guy checks out okay. I honestly don't know a whole lot about military and war, but I [i]do[/i] know a good plotpoint when I see one. I figured it would be interesting to have a character that, for a little while, may have been fighting against the countries of his now teammates.