Sorichiro looked at Xeron and laughed. "Hahaha! The look on your face, sir! Ha!" He raised his hands and waved them around a bit, until there was an exaggerated sculpture of Xeron's face. "Yep, that's funny! I wonder what he's thinking. Maybe something like, "Ugh!" He put on a high falsetto voice "How disgusting! That green orb thing!' It's odvious from the way you aren't just looking at him, it is clear to any expert that you are looking at the soul-well. Ergo you are disgusted by the well, beacause, it's primative." He tapped his glasses, "Deduction." He said smiling. "The disgust is a sign of higher-intellect, or at least, thinking you have more than somebody else. Bewilderment equals utter shock." He chuckled and held out his hand to Xeron "I'm Sorichiro. And you are?"