Shiranui's searches led him to a monolith that appeared to have an entrance that was blocked off. Higitsune linked his mind with his trainer's and Shiranui saw what the Braixen was seeing. It was like he was looking through Higitsune's eyes in infrared with what Shiranui thought were hot spots representing other people's minds with a faint spot representing a mind that had been dormant for a long time. The mind link was severed and Shiranui had to calm himself down. "I don't know if all psychic mind scans look like this, but that was almost overwhelming," he commented, feeling Higitsune tug on his sleeve. The Braixen pointed back at the Pokémon Centre and Shiranui nodded in understanding before the duo made their way back. "That wasn't the first time a psychic Pokémon linked their mind with mine, but it was the first time I looked through their eyes while they did a scan," Shiranui remarked, "That was great for your first mind scan, by the way." Higitsune blushed in reply. The duo returned to the Pokémon Centre and Shiranui saw Liam with the Zener cards out and Ryan with Oberon. "I have returned bearing important news," he announced to his friends.