The click was heard as Eliza finished radioing customer service. It took a few seconds before thy responded. "Yeah." a familiar voice said finally. "We've had complaints that sometimes the t-rex doesnt show up. Asset vets are looking into it to see if its a health issue but ACU wants you guys to focus on the tube and the asset itself." The voice was Fred Burns, a hilarious name that his coworkers harassed him for occasionally. He was usually the first to respond to staff related CS errands and was Eliza, Syliva and Marie's go-to guy when it came to CS or park related things. A click was heard, but this time not from the radio. It was from the tube itself, like a metal wire or spring when stretched too far and snapped back. It wasn't loud but it was distinct enough in the silence that everyone heard it. One of the tourist children adressed the sound. "Dad, heard that?" He said with the blissfull ignorance of a child. His dad just nodded along, "Yes yes, its nothing." But there it was again. Louder this time. Eliza and Marie probably exchanged glances, but before they could radio it in another familiar sound was heard. The footsteps of the giant. And much to the glee and joy of the tourist, there it finally appeared out of the treeline, slowly heading straight for them. Or te goat, obviously. But... the goat was scared too, and began shouting in fear in its bahtones. The tourists cheered on, thinking it was going to devour the goat in one fell swoop, but something unexpected happened. The goat ran away! "What the..." didnt even begin to describe it. The safety rope that was supposed to keep the goat in place wasn't attached to the platform underneath it! The goat bah'd and ran under the tube in fear as the t-rex came at it in speed, opening ita massive jaws to catch the runaway goat before it escaped under the tubee to the other side. But the t-rex wasn't fast enough. The goat made it under the tube- and torists screamed in horror as the t-rex slammed into the tube's glass with force. The entire walkway rocket, causing some to loose balance. There it was again... the metal sound of snapping wires - and this time it sounded like damage was done. Had there been a faulty wire in the tube somewhere?! The t-rex roared as it smashed into the tube, the thick glass not breaking but getting severely damaged with breaking lines all across. It stood with it's head partially under the tube, but violently tried to stand up when it realized it had failed tocatch the goat. Again it smashed into the tube, but this time it was worse. The tube was put togheter much like plumbing - small sections of tubes welded together to make a longer and more flexible walkway. It was internally reinforced with metal wires that would help in this kind of situation, but as most of the screaming tourists now had realized - the wires might have been faulty. The tube broke off at one side, which caused it to become a massive slide more than a tube. The tourists - along with the staff - slid downdwards straight onto the griund. Straight into the lair of the beast. Some where knocked out from the impact of suddenly falling to the floor, while others passed out from fear and terror alone, but the main characters soon found their footing. Fred Burns' voice could be heard on the radio. "MARKS! I'm getting mad errors on my end what the hell is going on?!" He said, barely audible over the terrored screams of the tourists who tried to claw their eay back up to no avail. The tube was leaning at a 45 degree angle straight down on the ground. But the t-rex was nowhere in sight. He had run off to find the goat. Timing was inpecable here - in a moments this could turn into a slaughter. Marie, Eliza and Sylcia must act quickly. The only way out is the main containment door - on the other side of the containment unit they were cuerently in. Luckily it could be seen from here. The problem was that the door - when open - was wide enough for the t-rex to go trough if it wanted. They had to act quickly. Theo and Jaxon rose to their feet with each others' help, as thy had slid right on top of one another. What will you do?