Brielle glanced the side at West. She could see him doing that strange analytical thing in his brain that he seemed to do whenever faced with an opponent. However this time was different. This time he seemed off. It was as if whatever he was figuring in his head wasn't working out correctly. This concerned Brielle because although she hadn't known him long she had never seen him look like this. "Hold on one second boys," she said to the thugs before turning to Lutwin. "Hey why don't you go on ahead and I'll catch up with you in a minute, okay?" She said calmly, studying his expression. "And hold this for me," she added placing her staff in his hands. She smiled at him reassuringly, "It'll be okay. Just give me a minute," she said quietly. She turned back to face the three thugs. Now she wasn't as confident as she appeared to be for West. In fact she wasn't at all sure of her actions. At best she was taking a huge gamble. But she didn't know what else to do. She didn't want to kill these guys and honestly she didn't think they wanted to kill her either. They appeared to her to be cowards and brainless thugs governed by fear with no real fighting strategy. Their stances and the way they held their weapons haphazardly told her that these were inexperienced players. But that was a risk she was taking not knowing what kind of people they were. She stepped up to the ring leader, "Look do you really want to risk your life and the lives of your friends here over a few coins?" He sneered its three against two." "But you don't know our skill level. You also don't know if we're willing to kill players that cross us. It's a whole different game here. I might be willing to kill anyone to survive, are you?" She gave him a hard look and his cocky smirk faltered, his friends looked at each other uncertainly. "Why don't you and your friends go back to the quest board, pick a low level quest and come back to me later if you still feel the need to fight." He glanced up at her before scowling and walking away muttering something about how she's not worth it and his friends quickly followed.