Mortosh Smiled well what could count for a smile for a Jaw less skeleton as he watched Zam Devour the Sweet roll he ordered for her Zam who awoken just a few minuets after he had ordered the pastry for her. He was a bit bored which is an immortals worst enemy everyone else at the table seemed to be doing something be it having a conversation or just looking over there own equipment which he could do he supposed but he carried so little on him that he had everything memorized. so he just looked around he saw a barmaid smoking out of a pipe she turned and saw him looking at her she flashed a grin at him ("[i][b]Oh Trew not again[/b]"[/i]) he thought for he recognized that kind of grin it was a grin of a predator that had just found herself a perfect prey and he was it. She walked over to him still flashing her predatory grin "Well hello there Mister Dark and mysterious i couldn't help but notice you looking at me by the way the names Grimhilde" she said all this while trying to make her bosom as noticeable to the poor skeleton who wished for nothing more then one of his many soon to be companions to take notice of his discomfort and help him. and one did notice it was companion Zam who proceeded to defend his honor and after a brief argument between Grimhilde and Zam with Zam explaining to the Off-Duty Barmaid that he wasn't interested in such relationship at the moment so after being hit on by the Lustful Grimhilde he ended up having surprisingly pleasant conversation with the off duty barmaid who toke the empty seat at the Table she was a bit confused at the fact that Zam answered her instead of him but Zam explained his situation to Grimhilde she soon had to leave to return back to her shift. All in all its been pleasant well it was until he heard Sana call for Hugh then all hell broke loose he was gonna call for Zam to return to her pocket only to feel himself being dragged out of the window before he could tell he quickly pushed himself of the wall so the bandit holding would lose his balance. he then grabbed his mace and hit said bandit on the head dizzying him for a little while he quickly stood up([i]"[b]Zam Find Safe And Hide[/b]"[/i]) he commanded her. Zam just nodded and went of to find somewhere safe but where she could still see the action Mortosh heard the Bandit rise back up and the bandit drew out a knife from his boot and got into a stance.