[i]That does make sense… I’ve already considered the danger of that dragon…[/i] Before Melvus could voice a reply to the woman, who referred to herself as Sana, she’d already left to ready the horses… at least that’s what Melvus heard before she made herself scarce. [i]Hmm… If we go for the dragon first… that could easily mean that we all die, or it could get what appears to be the most challenging task out of the way early…[/i] It was about then that Melvus heard the cry, “HUGH!” It came from outside, Melvus presumed that it could only be one person… well it had the potential for being several people but it was a female voice, so he assumed that it was Sana. She was likely in some form a trouble judging by her shout… cry? Yell for help? Something to that effect at any rate. It didn’t take very long for most of the other party members to be on their feet and out the door. The skeleton, who Melvus hadn’t been introduced to yet - though he may not want to be - seemingly jumped out one of the windows on the inn. Though it could be something else. The woman, who revealed herself to be an elf, was already outside by this point and so was the ash-smelling wizard. Melvus stood, made sure he had his things. [i]As far as I’m concerned this has the looks of a bandit raid… though it could be something else - it wouldn’t be thieves, why would they make their move in the daylight? So… Bandits…[/i] Then he spotted the man. He wasn’t that far from the inn - he could be seen from the inside. He was, however, on the opposite side of the inn compared to where all of the commotion was transpiring. The man wore expensive garments and seemed to be telling a few of the ‘bandits’ where to go and what to do. They went were he directed. [i]I’ll have to reassess, these are not bandits… They aren’t worse - just about the same if I had to say… they were slavers… Why would I guess that? Well, I wouldn’t. Thieves don’t attack during the day, bandits don’t give people an opportunity to call for help, they were taking prisoners, and their leader usually doesn’t wear such expensive things… So, slavers.[/i] Melvus made his way out of the door, the slaver hadn’t noticed him yet, he was approaching the commotion on the other side. The man made sure not to cut through the inn, the quicker route, but rather began making his way around. “Evening…” Came a rather quiet voice from in front of the presumed slaver. Who stopped. “Evening? It’s morning! Whose there?” He asked/yelled, reaching to his side. Melvus took notice that he carried a cutlas on his right side, suggesting a left handed swordsman. “What the hell! What magic is that!” The origin of the voice had been revealed as a man who wore scholarly robes - splattered with dried blood, mind you - and carried a staff, he seemed to materialize in front of the man. “Who the hell are you?” “If you call off your attack, slaver, you may be able to not lose all of your men…” Melvus said this as he drew his own sword, from his left side. “Who the ‘ell do you think you are? Huh?” The slaver seemed rather angry now, he drew his cutlas. “Tellin’ me to not get what’s mine? Fuck you.” His spat on the ground. The dialogue confirmed Mevlus’ suspicions that the man was in-fact a slaver. As he drew his cutlas, he took a sword stance. [i]It would appear that he is trained in sword combat… well, so am I…[/i] “Then you [i]are[/i] blind… or ignorant… Do you not see the other side of this inn? Those who would choose to follow you are being slaughtered… You would allow them to die? And for what? Your own-“ He was cut off by the man deciding that he didn’t like the criticism. The slaver lunged forward. [i]He’s quick…[/i] Melvus sidestepped and kicked the man, he fell to the floor. He quickly regained his footing and took a stance with his sword facing Melvus, his feel spread out but one behind the other and his other hand behind him. “Have at me wizard! Unless you can’t, then I’ll cut you down here and now!” The man took a stab at Melvus who stepped to the left while performing a sweeping parry, redirecting his opponents blade while allowing Melvus to attack, a rather clever move. As Melvus moved out of the parry, using the force to attack, the other man repositioned his blade to defend. “So you can use a blade?” The man paused and glanced behind Melvus, “Get him now!” [i]Where…[/i] Melvus’ head whipped around to find that there was no one there… [i]Dammit - I fell for the fake…[/i] As he turned around he had been stabbed, he had shifted in time so the sword only pierced his right arm. Melvus’ winced but let out no cry. His blood spluttered from his wound. [i]It didn't go through...[/i] The warm fluid flowed down his arm as he held it at his side, straight as to not strain it. “Who the hell are you? Don’t even fucking react to pain?” The man was half proud of his attack and the other half was fearful. He withdrew his cutlas and took a more defensive stance as Melvus regained himself. “What are you gonna do now? Huh? Basterd! You can’t use your blade now!” He was quite right, Melvus’ sword was on the floor and he had no training with his left arm. “You forget… I am a wizard.” He held out his left hand and from it came a glowing arm which grabbed the other man’s sword and tossed it aside. “Fucking gods!” The man didn’t seem to expect that. The arm grabbed the man before he could flee. “As I’ve said… leave…” The arm threw the man down the street, in the direction of the commotion. It wasn’t a particularly violent toss, but he would definitely have a few broken bones. Melvus reached down and picked up his sword with his left hand, struggling to get it back into it’s scabbard. He made his way back into the inn and stopped at the counter, “I’ll take the tab for my friends.” [i]Friends…? Well, we are fighting together already… Not to self: train with my sword more… I’d rather not lose the use of my right arm…[/i]