[b][u]Jaxon J. Romilly[/u][/b] Jaxon had immediately turned the camera back on when the T-rex appeared, cursing himself for his impatience all the while. Thus he was distracted when the cheers turned into screams, causing him to look up and see the monster barreling towards them with no intention of stopping and the goat nowhere to be seen. Then he was thrown from his feet, landing flat on his bum as the T-rex slammed into the fallen tree. Before he could stand again the tree snapped audibly, the various parts failing and wires snapping. He slid down with the rest of the crowd, the recordings first new bit of footage was filled with screaming and falling bodies. The camera had a strap around his hand, keeping it in place thankfully, though with how tight his grip was it was unlikely the camera would escape his grasp. Jaxon quickly scrambled to his feet, realizing he'd landed on someone and he needed to get off them. It was a guy around his age, maybe a little younger, he was about to offer his hand to help him up when he realized it was bleeding, he inspected his hand critically, but it seemed to only be a shallow wound, a simple horizontal cut across his hand. Now he had a hand full of camera and a hand that was slippery and achy, neither of which would be helpful to his survival... But they'd get them out right? They would distract the T-rex and lead them through an emergency hatch somewhere, right? He'd seen some employees earlier, were they still here? He tried to look around but all he could see were tourists bunching together tightly and screaming children burying into their parents legs as they cried. They were being obscenely noisy, it was a wonder the T-rex hadn't already come back to eat them all.