Name: Dominic Visla Age:17 Home world: Jericho(A Small earth like planet well known for their plant's military) Appearance: Dominic stands at a tall 6'1, with Green eyes,short black hair, and dark olive skin. Dominic has broad shoulders and is really fit. Personality: Dominic is very easy going normally. With a very understanding personality, it is easy for him to fit in most places. In class or in training he is very disciplined and has very little tolerance for people who do less than their best. History: Dominic was born the son of a military officer in the planetary capital Diomedes. Dominic, like many other youths on his planet were military brats, and as such they had a certain expectation set for them. Many were expected to enlisted, to serve as an officer,mech pilot, or some other military position. At the age of 13 he enlisted in the youth army.(think basically battle school armies from Ender's game just on a massive scale, but slightly more deadly) for two years he fought mock battles, did survival training, and got to Mech training. Dominic never knew his mother as she died giving birth to him. Planet of origin:Jericho Model:M-23 Mark IV Guardian Drop assault pattern "Informally known as the grunt." This aging Pattern of Guardian series mech has often been the target of much scrutiny. Designed to be a light "Drop" Mech it has since on Jericho been used as the base for many of it's Planetary forces. Designed with a jump pack for short jumps, this model is designed to be literally dropped in battle via a drop pod type vehicle. It's primary goal was to provide hard hitting fire power to Rapid deploying troops who can't be bogged down waiting for heavier support.The grunt with it's light armor is incapable of holding prolonged battles with heavier mechs, relying instead on it speed and flight boosters to flank an enemy and neutralize it. Designed to hold multiple roles this mech fills its role as a hit and run mech perfectly. For all it's perks the Mech requires a high level of training as the drop pod requires manual adjustment for entry. Because of it's intial design as a drop mech with versatility, the mech was never intended for roles other than behind enemy lines hit and run actions. Stat roundoff: Armor:Light Speed:Very fast Can wield light weaponry and melee weaponry (two) Two customization slots Preferred weapon(s): Mark X Mech Carbine: a Mech version of the standard Infantry rifle, This heavy hard hitting weapon offers great Anti Infantry options, but doesn't sacrifice it's mech killing power. Jericho Mech Combat knife. Systems package( Your customizations):Flight pack, AI: Y AI name: Lia AI personality: Lia, like most people and AI from Jericho, is very no nonsense. She provides read out on the status of the mech, handles ammunition count, and deals with communications when Dominic is in the middle of combat, filtering out all useful information to Dominic and blocking out all unnecessary ones. Due to her creation for Dominic when he was a child, she is quite fond of Dominic and often feels the need to look out for his well being.