Dun bun. Anything I need to fix? [color=a2d39c]Personal Information[/color] [color=c4df9b]Name:[/color] Ito Natsuki (δΌŠθ—€ 菜月) [color=c4df9b]Age:[/color] 16 [color=c4df9b]Sex:[/color] Female [color=c4df9b]Date of Birth:[/color] 13/08 [color=c4df9b]Grade Level: [/color]Second [color=c4df9b]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/5JmjEEI.png[/img][/hider] [color=c4df9b]Personality: [/color][hider=Personality]Calm and collected, her appearance would lead one to think she would be the type to be very social and popular with the crowd, but in reality, she is quite shy and very hard to approach unless you were her friend. And even then she may not say much save her rare smile over her usual neutral expression.[/hider] [color=f7976a]Combat Information[/color] [color=fdc68a]Main Arcana:[/color] Hermit [color=fdc68a]Compatible Arcana:[/color] Fortune, Priestess [color=fdc68a]HP/SP:[/color] 40/80 [color=fdc68a]Mask:[/color] [url=http://i.imgur.com/vF85sMk.jpg]Crow Mask[/url] [color=fdc68a]Weapon Type: [/color]Spear (Pierce) [color=fdc68a]Equipment: [/color] [hider=Gears] Broomstick: A broomstick with the end removed. Why are you even using this? Deals 15 pierce damage. Armor:Comfortable Sweater. Comfortably comfortable wear. Accessory:Running Shoes. The worn soles hints at its use. Clothes: Default. [/hider] [color=7ea7d8]Initial Persona[/color] [color=6ecff6]Name:[/color] Nacien [color=6ecff6]Arcana:[/color] Hermit [color=6ecff6]Origin:[/color] [url=http://levigilant.com/Bulfinch_Mythology/bulfinch.englishatheist.org/arthur/Nacien.htm]From Arthurian Legend. The holy hermit that introduced Galahad to the Round Table.[/url] [color=6ecff6]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Nacien][img]http://i.imgur.com/2HqjZkl.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=6ecff6]Skills:[/color] [Hider=Skills] [color=fff79a]Garu[/color] Cost:4 Effect:Deals 30 Damage to one target [color=fff79a]Sukunda[/color] Cost:12 Effect: Foe's roll decreases by 1. [color=fff79a]Rakunda[/color] Cost:12 Effect:Damage to foe increases by 10%. [color=fff79a]Bewilder[/color] Cost:5 Distresses 1 foe. (25% chance) [/hider] [color=6ecff6]Resistances: [/color][hider=Res][list] [*] [b]Slash[/b]: - [*] [b]Strike[/b]: - [*] [b]Pierce[/b]: - [*] [b]Fire[/b]: - [*] [b]Water[/b]: - [*] [b]Ice[/b]: - [*] [b]Electric[/b]: - [*] [b]Earth[/b]: Weak [*] [b]Wind[/b]: Str [*] [b]Light[/b]: Nul [*] [b]Darkness[/b]: Weak [/list][/hider]