[@DMZ] What I mean to say is, I (for whatever reason) did not pick up on the bit about him being turned to stone, and continued to react as if he were merely held or unconscious. That being said, it would be unfair for me to insist that something change for my lack of observation. Hence, taking a Mulligan, saying oops, and continuing as if I was fully aware of what went down without change of action on my part, likewise with no change of action on yours. If a reason must be given for Keystone's alteration of outlook on the situation, I'll give the excuse that he's got a Chaotic alignment and as such was subject to a radical change of mind. (Besides, Flesh to Stone can be easily countered at a later time by Stone to Flesh, so it might not be "harm" in the strictest sense.) Meantime, I'm going to move on and pretend like this is what I intended all along, whistle nonchalantly, and hope nobody notices.