Then I am glad I am not going to miss it. Here is my C.S. Made my custom mech, hope it´s okay. (also sorry for the mistakes I surely made, it´s almost 2 AM here...) Name: Farid Saraca Age: 17 Home world: Borea (world mostly covered with deserts) Appearance: Fairly tall young of slender athletic build. Face full of sharp features dominated by a majestic patrician nose and framed by his long curly hairs. The darker color of his hair fits well with his olive skin and makes him look somehow exotic. He usually wear an anonymous combination of simple shirts and jeans complemented by a brightly orange scarf around his neck, only piece of home he took with himself. Personality: Ambitious and impulsive, the words that perfectly describe Farid. Born on a backwater dirthole, he is always trying to prove himself, even if it isn´t actually necessary. He aims high and isn´t afraid to partake in any challenge set in front of him. He often do things without second thoughts and although it often takes him into troubles, it also makes him a fairly unpredictable opponent on the battlefield, immediately exploiting every opportunity he finds. Apart from this, he is a pretty reasonable young man, maybe a little bit too rough around the edges and unhealthy tendencies to speak what he really thinks. History: Farid´s parents were farmers, one of the many unfortunate people tasked with mission to bring life into the desert by mostly using mostly outdated terraformation methods. It was an ungrateful job, but thanks to the steady supply of water and ability to actually grow their own food, they had a better life than most of the planet. Still, they had to work hard for every bit of luxury they had and were in constant danger of of being raided by pirates, preying on the secluded farms. To put it mildly, Farid hated his home, always longing for something more. His father wanted to have farmer out of him, but Farid had other idea. When he was old enough to enlist, he joined the local militia. They were mostly ex-military veterans and enthusiastic youngsters like Farad, who used a few discarded and barely functional mechs IFS borrowed them. Still, they managed to get some payback on the raiders and effectively dismiss their numbers. Farid, although rarely part of actual skirmishes, showed enough potential while handling his mech, that when the IFS authorities came to investigate militia´s actions, he has been offered a military scholarship. Mech: Planet of origin: Tranquility Model: Invader, a specialized version of Raider mech designed for rapid deployment and hit and run operations. Smaller and less powerful than original mechs, Invaders were created to be masters of guerilla warfare, operating behind the enemy lines. They are more energy efficient and have integrated cloaking system effectively masking their presence from the long range scanners. Their speed is roughly same as the speed of Raider, but they are way more agile thanks to the flexibile joints and other minor enhancements, thus capable of moves more armored mechs simply cant do. Invader´s legs also feature a series of thrusters, which give the mech an unparalered ability to jump over long distances and heights, which is often utilized in their fighting tactic. Stats: High Speed Light Armor Can wield only light weapons and melee weapons. (Three weapon slots) No customization slot. Energy shielding (Light) On-board AI, no full sync Preferred weapon(s): Multi-barreled grenade launcher: Compact weapon utilized more for its ability to sow confusion than for its stopping power. Able to shoot multiple (five) grenades per salvo with a reasonable reload speed, each grenade possessing a different proprieties. Thanks to thee different effect, the have no reliable way to prepare himself for the upcoming barrage. Spear with an energetic tip: The most distinctive weapon of every Invader, created to utilize mech´s ability to jump and charge. With a little precision, the spear can penetrate almost every kind of armor, although using it multiple times in one combat can be a little bit difficult as it tend to stuck inside the enemy mech. Chainblade: Brutally effective combination of chainsaw and oversized knife, used as a side weapon when there is no real way to recover the spear. Isn´t so good at penetrating armor, but once it hits a sensitive spot, the destruction is guaranteed. AI: Y AI name: Abe AI personality: Simple AI created to store any important data found behind enemy lines and assist the pilot on solo missions. Although Abe works mostly off screen and independently on the pilot, it might be asked to show any important detail the pilot might have missed. It´s personality is fairly limited, although it is know to quote Sun Tzu and Art of war on numerous occasion. The reason for this behavior remains unknown.