[img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/71224e93a9c9c96bf56828c2590f2f5d/tumblr_nle1udROVe1u4q4fco1_1280.png[img]Behold the accurate as fuck picture about when SU came to Internet town, stole MLP:FiM's thunder and all the religiously devoted bronies got there panties in a twist when they have lost the idea of "that one show with feminine qualities that adults and teenagers of both genders can appreciate." because SU is now more or less that show now... *grabs popcorn* Let the flame war begin... my body is ready... let's go... [img]http://i.imgur.com/IKiqOUm.gif[/img] JK, that is not my fetish, and never will be.